
Thursday 27 August 2015

A Few New Empties #AllMonthAugust

Instead of my usual Empties-style post I like to do round these parts, I thought I'd streamline everything down a little for today's edition. While typically I have a rather large bagful of empty products to show-and-tell you all, this time I have a slightly less large collection which I'm bringing to you now as opposed to later when it might have grown in size a tad as I'm super-duper eager to get these to their proper 'home' (a.k.a. the main wastebin) asap so here goes... 

As I said before, these are all 'New' Empties - meaning that they have never before been featured in any post of these sorts - as opposed to a mixture of 'New' and 'Old' like I typically do, so that'll explain the exclusion of any ones falling into the 'Seen It Before' category. The first comes from Too Faced and it is their 'Better Than Sex' Mascara. If you've read round this 'ere blog before, you'll have heard me bleating on about this little beauty for some time. In short - I loves it. It is a kind of 'Does It All'-type jobby, in that it lengthens, volumises, curls, lifts - the lot - all without a clump, flake or smudge in sight. It's on the more expensive end of the price spectrum, but for the effect it gives - I'd definitely recommend and will be picking up another again for myself at some point fo' sho'.

Another makeup-related item that's completely empty is the Soap and Glory Solar Powder Bronzer. Again - for all you regular readers out there, you'll know how much I love this stuff - so I'll spare the long-ass rant 'n' rave for y'all. Tow shades - one more honey-toned, the other more of a 'traditional'-type bronze - swirl them together and you get quite possibly the most perfect bronzer shade you'd ever want/need. Super natural on the skin, yet adds a nice glow and amount of colour without the fear of entering Oompa Loompa-territory. Great for contouring as well as generally warming up the skin too - I've already got another one (in it's new plastic packaging - hurrah!) as we speak.

Moving onto haircare, I have a large can of the Batiste Dry Shampoo in the 'Blush' fragrance that's all used up to its very last drop. I like this stuff. I know some people aren't the biggest fan of Batiste for their shampoos of the dry variety (especially in recent years with many other brands coming out with similar - and possibly better - formulations) but being the first one I personally came across, providing I use the right technique and application I still like using this and the fragrance is pretty darn lovely too.

So there we have some items that have come to the end of their product-life recently, all being ones which have never before made their way into a post of these sorts! Sometimes there's really nothing better than a good clear-out, yanno...

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