
Friday 1 January 2016

Dainty Ditsy In 2016?

Happy New Year! It is officially 2016 and to kick-start things for another 12 months here on Dainty Ditsy, I thought I'd do a similar post to this one I did back in January last year. Let's have a little chat, eh?

2015 was my first full-year of blogging and I cannot express how much I have enjoyed it. My blog has grown quite a lot (from around 50 followers on Bloglovin' by the end of 2014 to just over 200 by the end of 2015!) and while I appreciate that it is not all about the numbers, there's just something so satisfying about seeing that little number going up and up - almost like some kind of reassurance that I'm doing something right and there are people out there who like reading what I put on my little corner of the Internet. My blog had a little re-brand at the start of last year (something I wrote about wanting to do in last year's 'Dainty Ditsy in...' post) that I'm still super-duper happy with and to go alongside that, throughout last year I tried my best at improving my content and photography in a bid to make my blog appear more professional and 'slick', if you will. I feel all those factors have lent a helping hand in my blog's growth this past year, so of course in 2016 my main aims are to continue trying to improve, improve and improve some more.
I want to continue my current blog schedule that I've had for way over a year now - Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's - until any externals factors such as a change of job (something I do definitely want to see happen this year!) or lifestyle mean some alternations may need to be made. I also perhaps may look at taking a short break at some point during this year to refresh, relax and unwind a little from the blogging lark, as while I enjoyed last year's schedule - I realised that I never actually had any time off doing my blog throughout the whole of 2015 - with some months finding myself daily blogging! While I incredibly enjoy doing Dainty Ditsy, I don't want to run the risk of burning out and even getting to a stage where it all becomes more mechanical and like a chore as opposed to the fun hobby is began as. Whatever happens - this blog will remain one of my main priorities and I will always continue with it as I enjoy it so, so much.

I also want to carry through all the most popular 'features' I either carried through from my blog's creation in 2014 or created entirely in 2015 as I love compiling them together, and hopefully you enjoying reading them too. Out of them all I especially want to post more of the old favourites like my 'Polish Picks' and 'Empties' that can sometimes be left behind in all the new-ness on my blog, as there was something so strangely therapeutic about documenting the goings-on in my beauty routine throughout 2015 - almost like my own online diary. I also wish to create more new features for 2016 - such as special weeks in my blog where I dedicate a whole week of posts to one topic (such as #BeautyHacksWeek or #MakeupBrushWeek). While Dainty Ditsy will always be a predominantly beauty-based blog, I would also like to gradually introduce some more lifestyle bits 'n' pieces throughout 2016, as that was also something I really liked doing last year. My main aim with my blog is always for it to almost become an extension of myself - with me putting out content that best represents myself and that I would personally love to read myself.

So, here's to 2016 and all it brings! I hope your 2015 was a good one and that these coming 12 months are just as good, if not even better. If you're wondering about my plans for my first few posts of this year, don't worry as there will be one or two dedicated entirely to my 2015 Favourites (of course), with a quick drop-in all about fifteen of my faves from the latter half of the year to come before. Bring it on...


  1. Well Done on 200 followers! Such an achievement!

    I really hope 2016 is everything you want it to be!

    Rachael xx

    1. Aw, thankyou so much! Here's hoping 2016 will be even better! Have a fantastic year lovely X
