
Tuesday 6 December 2016

6 Things I Love About Christmas... #DitsyDecember

I really do love Christmas. Sure, it can be a pretty intense season at times and by the end of it all you feel like if you hear Mariah's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' one more time you may just go completely insane - but all in all, it's a pretty awesome time of year. Over the years, I've learnt that you have to take the positive points from any situation and so while Christmas does have its pro's and con's, I like to try and focus purely on the former - the things I love about the festive season. Wanna know some (namely 6) of them? Keep on reading...

  1. QUALITY TIME WITH LOVED ONES - The classic. I'm pretty sure most people would list this as one of, if not the top, of the list of the best things about Christmas. Sometimes, we don't get to spend as much time with our friends and family as we'd like to, but over the festive period there always seems so much more emphasis on the importance of it and I definitely agree. Not only is it one of the key parts of my Christmas, it's also the part I love the most.
  2. A CHANCE TO RELAX AND DE-STRESS - Aswell as spending some much-needed quality time with our loved ones, Christmas is also the one time of year when we all tend to take the opportunity to chill out and relax. Or at least, as much as you can. I don't know why, but the festive period is the one time of year when we all slow down a little and I for one, love it.
  3. ALL OF THE AMAZING FOOD - I mean, c'mon - this was always gonna be on here, wasn't it? Christmas is the season of all kinds of awesome food and drink and I just love indulging in it. It's the one time of year when I tend to put my healthy eating to a side for a little bit and just enjoy all of the festive treats on offer and it makes me pretty darn happy indeed.
  4. PRETTY CHRISTMAS LIGHTS (AND DECORATIONS) - I love when it gets to the time of year when everyone starts to decorate everything Christmassey. As soon as our family Christmas tree goes up - I know it's nearly Christmas - and nothing makes me feel more festive than when I see twinkly, sparkly Christmas lights here, there and everywhere. They create such an amazing atmosphere (more on that later) and instantly put you in the festive spirit. Plus, they make for a pretty good Instagram photo too. Let's be real.
  5. GLAM MAKEUP - It sounds like a strange one, but I love this season for makeup. It just feels like a continuous excuse to wear super glam, full-on makeup whatever the weather and I am more than OK with that. At Christmas, more is more and you don't have to worry about feeling or looking over the top as you can pretty much guarantee that everyone else will be doing the same. Glitter, lashes, red lip - done.
  6. THE ATMOSPHERE IN GENERAL - I briefly mentioned this in some of my other earlier points - but all in all, I just love the atmosphere of Christmas in general. Everything is so bright and pretty, there's a hustle and bustle and sense of excitement wherever you go and everyone just seems in better mood. Whether that lasts beyond the New Year when your bank balance is looking a little sorry for itself and your jeans may be a tad tighter than usual - but hey - at least you know you enjoyed yourself...

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