
Monday 5 December 2016

What's On My Wishlist? #DitsyDecember

As soon as December arrives (or possibly even before that), everyone starts thinking about just what they fancy finding under the tree on The Big Day - myself included. Over the past few weeks or so I've been collating all of my own ideas of things I'm lusting after this Christmas - from the completely unrealistic to the perhaps a little more reasonable options - and I figured I may as well share them with you lovely lot! You may remember I did this type of thing last year (in this post) and I really wanted to do it again for this festive season so here it is. I'd actually say that most of the items I mentioned in last year's edition I'd happily put alongside this selection too, yanno. Once again, beauty is the main feature here - with it being the thing I am most passionate about - although there are a couple of items here and there this time round which may not be beauty-related, but are still just as valid inclusions nevertheless. Let's get started...

TOO FACED EYESHADOW PALETTE - Beauty-wise, something which I feel like has been on my Beauty Wishlist (not just for Christmas) for the longest of times now are the eyeshadow palettes from Too Faced. Alongside the Urban Decay Naked Palettes (which I mentioned in last year's wishlist), they have to be at the top of my lust list in terms of eyeshadow compilations. They are so adorably packaged, come in a wide variety of different shade ranges and everyone raves about how good quality the shadows themselves inside are. If I had to pick one, I'd say the Chocolate Bar has my heart the most, but I could easily name some others which are pretty close runners up too.

PIXIWOO PRESENT HOLLYWOOD ICONS DVD - I love the Pixiwoo sisters (a.k.a Sam and Nic Chapman). They were one of the first YouTube channels I watched back in the day, they're hugely-talented makeup artists and everything they're 'released' outside of YouTube so far I have loved. Real Techniques are my favourite brush brand by far, their new book 'FACE' is just fab and this latest venture looks to be just as equally so. As the name suggests, this is a documentary centered on some of Hollywood's most famous female icons and some of the women who have inspired the sisters themselves and having seen the reviews so far, I very much want to give this a watch soon, so *fingers crossed*...

KAT VON D EVERLASTING LIQUID LIPSTICK MINI SET - The first of two liquid lipstick-related additions to this post - cause I've been just a little obsessed with them for the entirety of this year. Not only do I love the ones I own, I seem to almost always have my eyes on yet another brand's offering and right now, the spotlight is on the ones from Kat Von D. I'm putting this partly down to the fact that the brand has recently launched for the first time in the UK and also because I'm just a sucker for new lip products - but anyway - I can't help but lust after these.

SLEEK MATTE ME MINI SET - Next up for the liquid lips, I have serious heart-eyed emoji feels for this little set. I have thought about trying the Matte Me Liquid Lipsticks from Sleek for quite a while now and I feel like the launch of this collection has come at the perfect time. Inside you get four different shades, all in miniature form - aren't they so cute? The shade selection covers everything from a brown-toned nude to a classic red and I love how in theory, you can almost 'try before you buy', sampling both the formula and colours before you perhaps invest in a full-sized version.

REAL TECHNIQUES BOLD METALS SET - I mean, wasn't there always gonna be at least something from Real Techniques in this post? I seem to forever have my eyes on an item from their range and at the moment, this is definitely top of the list. I only have one brush from their more luxe 'Bold Metals' line at the moment and I really rather like it so would love to at some point sample more from the range. They've got an 'Ultimate Set' which looks amazing (but clocks in at a rather extortionate price), so at the moment I'm looking more at their two smaller sets which offer a more select  - but still just as amazing -  pick of some of the fan favourites from the range. I definitely don't need any more brushes in my stash, but that sure as heck doesn't stop me from wanting more..

SOAP AND GLORY EXTRAVA-GLAM-ZA SET - Once again, this just had to be in here somewhere didn't it? This is probably the one big gift that every beauty lover lusts after, year after year, and I am no exception. I was actually lucky enough to receive this a couple of years back (obviously a slightly different version) and I'm still making my way through it now so - yet again - don't really need to add more bath products to my collection, but I defy any beauty lover to not look at this with love hearts in their eyes...

LUSH CHRISTMAS RANGE/SETS - LUSH launched their Christmas Range for this year not too long ago and I am yet to try any of it out -and it's now December, I know. I'm hoping to do a proper haul of all the bits 'n' bobs which have caught my eye - so keep a lookout for that - but in general, anything LUSH-related would always be something I'd be super happy to see under the tree.

GHD COPPER HAIR TOOLS - GHD is a big, hyped-up name in the beauty world, with everyone raving about their hair tools. To be honest, I've often looked at them and lusted after them too and even more so with their latest 'Copper Luxe' range. This collection is fully adorned in - you guessed it - copper not only do they look beautiful, I've heard so many good things about the GHD brand in general too. Once again, this is definitely a more extravagant addition to this list, but this is a 'wishlist' after all so I guess it doesn't matter so much...

TANYA BURR COSMETICS/ZOELLA BEAUTY + LIFESTYLE CHRISTMAS RANGES - The final two inclusions for this post come from the online beauty community itself - how crazy is that. The last couple of Christmases, both Zoella Beauty and Tanya Burr Cosmetics have realised festive collections especially for the occasion and this year, I think may have to go down as the best so far. Both brands have done an amazing job at curating gorgeous products and I'm pretty sure they're already at the top of a lot of people's wishlists for Christmas. There's certainly a few items that have stood out to me, that's for sure.

SPRINKLE OF GLITTER 2017 DIARY - Last, but by no means least - I just had to put this one in here. You may remember that last Christmas I received this very diary, but the 2016 version, and it's safe to say that it has become one of my favourite presents I was lucky enough to be gifted last year. I have written in it every single day; using it for notes, to-do lists or simply to keep track of what's gone on each day of this year and I'm so happy that come the end of 2016 (no matter that this year has been a little up and down), I'll have something to look back on it with. I would really love to carry this into 2017, so I'm definitely eyeing up the next edition...

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