
Thursday 1 January 2015

Dainty Ditsy In 2015?

Firstly before I begin this post - Happy New Year! It is officially 2015 and I hope you all had an awesome time last night whatever your plans were and are all ready to go with the next 12 months of (*fingers crossed*) good times ahead.

I know traditionally here in the beauty community pretty much everyone does an annual favourites - so in this case a '2014 Favourites' - or something like that, which I will be doing very, very soon, so do not fret if you've come to my blog expecting that and you're a little disappointed! Instead, before I crack on with that, I thought I'd do a little summary of what may be to come here on Dainty Ditsy over the next year. I've been having a good think about this and considering what I may like to alter - whether that be my posting schedule, content, or even the entire look of my blog.

I've come to three conclusions...
  1. I want to continue with my 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday' posting schedule at least for now (aside from the temporary default I've made to bring you this post). I've had a good think about whether I want to change it to include at least one post over the weekend, but with other commitments on my mind I decided to leave it as it is for now! Whether I may change it sometimes in the next 12 months remains to be seen, but for the moment you can expect a new post here on Dainty Ditsy three times a week on those days!
  2. I want to start to include more features in my blog. I've had a good brainstorm about a few I may like to throw into the mix over this next year and I'm rally happy with what I've come up with so far. For anyone who's wondering what this may mean, I have no plans as of yet to cancel any of the other features I currently run on my blog - e.g. 'Polish Pick', 'Beauty Brand Favourites' etc. - in order to make up for the new ones, so you can still expect those to continue!
  3. This is the one I've really been having a good ole' think about. I might be getting a blog makeover sometime soon. Don't get me wrong, I love my blog and am so proud of what I manage to create entirely myself - I designed my blog layout and made/added in my signature, blog header etc. completely by myself with a little Googling - but I wonder if now it's time for a slight update. I don't necessarily mean a change so much, as I still obviously want to keep to a similar colour scheme and of course the ditsy floral prints, but I'd love for it to look a tad more slick and professional. I'm such a perfectionist and I doubt I'll ever be completely happy, but there we have it!
Is there anything you'd like to see from Dainty Ditsy this year?

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