
Monday 26 January 2015

Tried and Tested: Soap and Glory Makeup

Today I thought I'd report back on this post that I did a couple of weeks ago when I told you all about me finally getting my hands on some Soap and Glory makeup. As I told you, I picked up both the 'Solar Powder' bronzer and 'Archery' brow pencil duo and thought it was about time I fed back on my initial thoughts. (Spoiler alert: They're very, very good).

I firstly tried Archery - a brow product with a twist-up pencil on the one end and a spoolie on the other. I picked up the darker shade as the lighter one I feared would appear a little too light for my brows and thought a light hand with the chocolate brown would work fine. I was right. The shade matched brilliantly to my natural brow hairs and applied lightly I could notice little colour difference to when I used my L'Oreal Brow Artiste. I did find I took a while to get into using the pencil, probably as I'm so used to my usual brow offerings, but found after the initial first 'I-Just-Couldn't-Do-My-Brows-Today' day I could easily whack this out and do my brows in a more acceptable time frame. Along with the colour, I really love everything about this pencil. The small size means it's perfect for really drawing on intricate little hairs as opposed to just scrawling on a big chunk as you might do with a larger pencil and hoping for the best. The formula sits just as I like my brow formulas to - creamy enough to  easily apply and brush through but waxy enough to hold in place - and as it's a twist-up pencil it means there's no need for a sharpener. Result. The spoolie, whilst you may feel is unimportant to mention, is actually really good too and I like how they've included a proper spoolie on the end and not the more brush-like affair I often see on the end of brow products.

I then thought, considering both my own personal luck and the general luck of averages, that the next product I'd hauled - the Solar Powder - was doomed to be a failure. Although I'd heard raving reviews, I was still convinced - 'Surely I couldn't have picked up two products and they'd both work well?' It hadn't happened before and I wasn't expecting this to be the first time. I was wrong. This bronzer has to be one of the best I've tried so far, and certainly from the drugstore. Containing two colours - one warmer and one more ashy in tone - you can really control how much pigment you're slapping on depending on how tanned or pale you are. As a naturally pale gal, especially in the colder months, this complements my fair skin perfectly, delivering just the amount of colour I need without things getting muddy. With a larger brush and a good swirl in both sides this works brilliantly as a bronzer, or with a smaller one and perhaps more swirling in the darker shade and you can very easily contour with this too. The smooth, buttery formula makes everything super easy to pack on and blend out and just to add to the already very long list of plus points - there's a mirror inside. What more could you ask for?

I think you can already gather by now that my first dip into the Soap and Glory makeup pool was a roaring success and I will clearly be returning to their stand to maybe make another purchase or two. What can I say? Sometimes you've just gotta believe the hype...


  1. both of these products look really good! i want to try out the archery brow pencil duo but i think even the darkest shade is too light for my brows (how can they only have two shades?!) - great post!

    fashion, beauty and an existential crisis

    1. Yeah I definitely think the shade range could be improved on as the darker shade only really matches my brows if I use quite a light hand. I don't mind though, as it's such a good product and when applied right gives a really natural effect! Aw, thankyou! :-)
