
Friday 23 January 2015

Streamlining Your Beauty Routine #BeautyHacksWeek

Welcome to today's final post in my #BeautyHacksWeek series. If you missed Monday's and Wednesday's I'll link them here where I talked both my top makeup picks from Boots and Superdrug if you're on a budget and some of my favourite tips 'n' tricks that can both save you time and possibly money. Today, however,  I'm rounding things off and taking from both of those posts to conclude with how you can streamline your beauty routine down...
Make use of the multi-taskers. This can both save money in that it is more cost efficient to use one product in varying ways, but also saves you time in the busy mornings when you don't have time to use hundreds of individual products. For example, items such as oils can be used in many different ways - to moisturise your skin, body and hair - and so save a lot of space on your bathroom shelf.
2-in-1's are your new best friend. Similar to the multi-taskers, but 2-in-1's are actually designed to be used as one step on their own and so could not be more perfect for ladies who want to slim their beauty routine down some - two birds, one stone and all that. So many typical beauty items are now offered in this format - 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioners, 2-in-1 cleanser and toners to name but a few - there's more than likely to be something out there for many beauty areas.
Attempt the 3-minute makeup challenge (Ok, maybe not that quick). While we all may want to spend half an hour every morning on our makeup - and sometimes this may be possible - other days it might not be an option and so a quick makeup is perfect. Look at your standard makeup routine. Think - what in there can you possibly leave out if you're in a rush and still manage to look presentable? Of course this varies across different people so I'm not gonna sit here and list what you should take out - for some it may be blusher, for others it may be brows - it's a personal preference. The main thing is that you evaluate each step as to how important it is to you. For me personally this would be to conceal blemishes, fill in my brows and add some definition to my eyes.
Organise, organise, organise. When it comes to actually being streamlined, organisation is always the key. Have a proper storage system of your beauty bits - whether that be a simple makeup bag or a full-on MUJI set up. Have a place for everything - it'll save you a lot of time in busy mornings when you need to get ready quickly.
Beauty goes mobile. Put together a little bag of beauty bits that you can take with you when you're actually out of the house on-the-go. This could include items to refresh throughout the day, add-ons you might not have had time for in the morning that you could complete in any spare time you may have, and of course not forgetting the obligatory items - mirror, mini hairbrush, lip balm - you know the deal.
And with that concludes '#BeautyHacksWeek! I feel like I must ask a certain question though - What is your number one beauty hack? Leave them down below - I'd love to hear them! We all love a good shortcut, right?

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