
Friday 27 February 2015

February: Loves and Lusts

Hello and welcome to another 'Loves and Lusts' - this time round for the month of February! I cannot believe we are already nearly in March! If you didn't see my first 'Loves and Lusts' post that I did for last month - a.k.a. January - then I will link it up here. Unsure exactly what this series entails? Think of 'Monthly Favourites' and 'Beauty Wishlists', put them together and you've got this hybrid of monthly-themed post goodness. In my final post of every month in 2015 I'll be sharing with you 'What I've Loved' and 'What I'd Love To Have' for the past (in this case 28) days. Ready for round two? Here goes...

What I've Loved:

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor Conditioner - I've loved this for years. I think its the only haircare item I've continually used since I really started the whole thing. I typically try and remember to use it once a month as my deep-condition treatment in-between regular conditioner, completely ignoring the '3 minute' title and instead leaving it on for about half an hour, by which point my hair is sufficiently moisturised (and possibly slightly fluffy until taken to with some straighteners). Although in recent months I'd sorta forgotten about it, until I reached into my cupboards one day this month and pulled it back out again. It worked a treat - as usual - and also smells delicious. What more can you want?
17 Solo Eyeshadow in 'Mardi Gras' - Another past fave that's been making its way back into my life again. I did a full post about the joys of single eyeshadows, mentioning this one (my personal top preference) here, but in summary - this is one awesome shade. One hard to exactly pinpoint, but if I had to it'd be something along the lines of 'an iced, metallic brown' that shows up slightly darker when buffed into the crease so makes for a handy two-in-one. Quick 'n' easy smokey eye - Sorted.
Got2B All Star 10-in-1 Styling Treatment - This month's faves sure are taking a 'hair' theme, aren't they? I bought this along with the other product below (as I mentioned here) and really have been enjoying both of the. This is a styling treatment designed to have ten different hair care and styling properties in one, including shine, thickness and strength, all whilst supposedly protecting your hair from humidity and frizz - two things mine is a desperate victim of. All in all, having given this a good few tries I really like it. I find providing you don't apply too much (two squirts for each side is definitely enough for me) it just leaves you hair feeling like it has a little more hold and control to it without it feeling at all heavy or full of product. Of course some features such as heat protection aren't as measurable, but considering how well it performs with the features I can see, I'll trust it's doing its job.
Got2B Mind Blowing Xpress Dry Styling Spray - Bought alongside the above, I've also fell in love with this over the past month. I was intrigued by the concept of it supposedly making blow-drying your hair a much quicker process - something I both assumed to be a bit gimmicky and also in my case possibly unnecessary as I don't find it takes too long to dry my hair! With it also claiming to both heat-protect and detangle your hair, this supposedly does everything I really look for in the products I like to use before getting my hairdryer out. And all in all - I'm impressed. I do in fact notice a difference when I use this to the time it takes to dry my hair and once again it doesn't leave me with that horrible 'over-producted feeling' in my locks.

John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder Controlled Lightening Spray - With February being the month when I had my hair took back to a more natural-colour-like state and had some highlights concentrated more towards the ends, I wanted to keep them looking bright and so along with some purple shampoo - obviously - I've been applying this occasionally before I dry my hair and have really been enjoying it again (I used it previously as a little go-between-colours on my roots). Of course it takes a good few applications to get the full effect, but for now - it gets the thumbs up from moi.
Superdrug Vitamin E Leave-On Moisture Mask - Before this I was a full-on Montagne Jeunesse face mask gal (despite not being able to confidently spell it that well). This, however, has turned me (not in that way). Bought in an attempt to lull myself out of the face mask-sachet-buying habit I'd got myself into and rather try some in a more convenient pot/tube form, this was the one I settled on. I know this range suits my skin and this was no different. It's a leave-on mask so you can apply it, leave it alone for a few minutes, come back to it and either wipe it away with a wet cotton pad or give yourself a nice face massage by rubbing the rest in. It's so light in formula that I've even sometimes gone to bed with a light layer of this on and only tended to my face come morning and it works almost like a deep, more concentrated version of my night cream. My skin has been (literally) lapping it up.
Nic's Picks Angled Shadow Brush - The set of which this comes from I actually featured as a whole in my January Loves and Lusts (linked at the top) but it's only in the past month that I've properly realised my favourites of the bunch and this eyeshadow brush has to be top of the list. It really has got smokey eye application down and makes applying anything in the outer corner/crease a dream. I've even found it to be great for simply wiping over the edges of a single shadow (light or dark) just to make sure everything is thoroughly blended out and has the whole 'professional' look to it. Love, love, love.

MUA Sweet Sheen Lip Balm in 'Coral Reef' - Now this one's a bit of a late entry, as I only bought it as part of an MUA order a couple of weeks ago and I've only been properly trying it out over the last week but I love it anyway so I'm throwing it in. So far the two shades of their new Sweet Sheen tinted lipbalms are all I've got round to trying and whilst I don't love the peachy shade I picked up as much - I find it to be not very pigmented - this one, 'Coral Reef' is a beaut. It's the perfect mix of pink and red with the slightest undertone of orange that sort of pushes it to the coral side of things. Unlike the Maybelline Baby Lips that only offer a straight-up red or baby pink in their range, this gives the happy medium and if anything I actually prefer it. The colour applies and wears down evenly and I find it to be more 'wet' in formula than the Maybelline ones, so it gives a more flattering look on the lips.
What I'd Love To Have:

NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer - £22.00 - This gets massive hype in the beauty world for its supposed high, yet still hydrating coverage and a natural finish. This sounds like the perfect concealer and with many citing Collection's Lasting Perfection - which it's my top go-to the majority of the time - as its dupe, I think we may just get along...

Tanya Burr Individual Lashes - £5.49 - I'm a massive fan of Tanya and when she added some false lashes to her makeup line back late last year, although I'd never tried any myself, that was kinda the reason why I was pleased. In the drugstore there never seems to be a massive range, especially for newbies, whilst Tanya's looked very user-friendly. I especially like the look of the individuals, as I think if I was ever to make that jump into the unknown, that'd be where I'd probably realistically start so these are certainly on my shopping list for the moment I do.

MAC 'Patesserie' Lipstick - £15.50 - I'm always on the hunt for the perfect nude lip product - isn't everybody? I've found many that I love and use regularly, but being the classic beauty blogger that I am - I just can't have too many - and this one's constantly deemed a fave from the likes of Anna and Lily for its perfect mix of pinkey, nudey, peachey, beigey tones that allows it to compliment most colourings and classify as a nude without heading into the realms of 'Concealer-Nude'. And we all know that's not the best look. I'm yet to actually try any MAC lipstick - will this be my first (of hopefully many)?

Rimmel Scandaleyes Shadow Paint 'Rich Russet' - £4.99 - Lily Pebbles has always raved about this, saying it's one of her most long-lasting eye products she owns - and at under a fiver I can't help but be seriously tempted, especially when combined with the serious bronzey beaut of a shade that this is.

Benefit Roller Lash Mascara - £19.50 - Everyone's been talking about the new Benefit launch this last month it seems, and naturally there are some good, and some not-so-good write-ups. However, personally with mascaras I always like to try them myself before having any strong opinions as typically they work a little different on different people. I got on well with the classic - They're Real - which despite it seemingly being the most sold mascara in the UK actually gets a lot of bad press in the beauty community - and some are saying that it actually performs better...

Shu Umera Eyelash Curlers - £20.00 - So many people have raved about these for supposedly being the best eyelash curlers out there. I was dubious at first as to whether they'd actually be much different from cheaper versions you can get, but as always, I am tempted nonetheless.

Charlotte Tilbury 'Filmstar Bronze and Glow' - £49.00 - This Beauty Wishlist is sure turning out to be a pricey one, eh? Now, realistically, I am unlikely to actually purchase this anytime soon as I just cannot justify the price tag, but that sure don't stop me lusting after it. That's what this part of the post's for, right? I've seen Lily use this countless times in videos and oh sweet Lord - the packaging, the embossment, the stunningly cool-toned shades - and it's got a mirror? I think I've died and gone to contour heaven.

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge - £5.99 - Rounding off with more of a budget-friendly option, and it wouldn't be a Dainty Ditsy post without some mention of RT, would it? If you're a regular round these parts you'll know how much I love their classic brush range and this has always intrigued me but is yet to make its way into my shopping basket. A sponge to apply and blend in your base? Perhaps over the coming weeks this may all change...


  1. Love the John Fredia range, its defiantly brighten up my hair!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

    1. I love it too! It smells so nice as well! (Even though that's not at all anything to do with how it treats my hair) X
