
Monday 2 March 2015

Clearing Out Your Makeup Collection

Remember that post I did quite some time ago now where I talked how to seriously downsize your nail polish stash? I thought today, with it being the start of March (a.k.a. Spring - hopefully - if not at least spring clean time) I'd revisit that style of ramble, this time relating it to just how I personally like to streamline my makeup collection. While I may not necessarily carry these steps out on a regular basis, I do like to go through them every once in a while just so things are kept as controlled and contained as possible (well, as much as someone with a sizeable stash of makeup can be). In the same boat? Read on...
  1. Firstly, I personally like to start in a similar way as with my nail polish stash and find some way of laying it all out in front of me. Sure, some may find it equally as effective to simply go through wherever the keep their collection and go through drawer by drawer, but I personally like the whole 'organised chaos' thing and so take pleasure in sorting it all into little category-based piles in as big a space as I can find before slowly but surely working my way through each one.
  2. Now you've either effectively tipped your whole makeup collection onto your bedroom floor or maybe chosen the slightly less panic-inducing option of simply leaving it be wherever it usually resides, it's time to actually start going through it. I like to firstly start with the most obvious - the ones that can't be salvaged. Much like your nail polish, go through and throw out all the products that are on their last legs (or are even so old they don't have any legs left). I think there are actually some proper guidelines for how long you should keep your makeup for (if I can find a post on it I'll link it here) but generally I just find going through and having a good, thorough inspection of all your items is often a good enough indicator as to whether it's time to say bye-bye.
  3. Then, now you've whittled it down to all the items within any possibility of making the cut, it's time to get a bit more personal. I like to start by firstly removing anything that just has to go back into my drawers. The bits I love and just could not be without - the items that are just under no negotiation terms.
  4. Then we're left with what I like to think of as falling in either (or possibly even all) of three categories - 'LESS REGULAR MAKEUP' (a.k.a. the makeup that I still use but not on a daily basis), 'DUPLICATES' (a.k.a. the makeup that's basically identical to something of more regular status and so doesn't get whipped out as often as it's more-favoured opponent) and 'UNLIKED/UNUSED' (a.k.a. the makeup that I simply do not touch really at all, possibly because I just do not like it that much). Go through each pile, and identify what's left of each one as to what category it perhaps falls under and then decide what you wanna do with it. Be strict - if something falls under the 'UNLIKED/UNUSED' branch you probably do wanna consider saying goodbye as it's really just a waste of your valuable makeup space.
  5. Once you've hopefully finalised the items you want to say farewell to, now comes the part of needing to decide just where their next destination is gonna be. I like to think of having three options (you noticing a pattern of me seemingly only being able to operate in threes?). For the items you decided first off as being expired or simply too disgusting to even think of passing on - in the rubbish bin they go. For the rest of the items which we discussed in the later half of this post you can either think about redistributing it to a friend or family member who may just love you forever or donating it to a charity such as 'Give and Makeup' (something I have never personally done but since discovering the cause from Anna, I would definitely bare it in mind the next time I give my drawers a good spruce) who I'm sure will be just as chuffed with your contribution.
Now I guess there's only one challenge that remains - avoid going out to replenish your collection and fill the voids that have now been left by your extensive culling with more necessary unnecessary makeup bits. You can do this.

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