
Monday 23 March 2015

Beauty Reminders - The Update

As my last 'Beauty Reminders' post was the fifth in its series, I thought today I'd recap over just what those five things were that I was reminding myself to carry out more often (or even at all) and whether I've managed to keep to them. Are you all ready to see me fail miserably so you can mutter 'I told you so' under your breath? Let's do this...
  1. Wear more bright/bold lipstick - I'd say out of all five, this may to be the one I've achieved the most in terms of incorporating it into my beauty routine. As you'd have seen in some of my posts, I've become much more of a bold lip wearer as of late, with the purchase of a Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipstick for a wedding a few months back probably being the exact kick-start I needed. This was of course followed by the arrival of some Maybelline lip crayons and me generally picking up any bold bullets I already owned far more. All in all - PASS.
  2. Remember to use a brow gel - Now this one has had mixed results. Honestly? I don't wear brow gel everyday still. But the good news is that come a special occasion or event - it always gets brought back out of its hiding place and I remember just why I love it all over again. So if we're classifying it as 'remembering to use it when I need to use it' - PASS - but on an everyday basis? FAIL.
  3. Be less of a 'mascara whore' - I had a good think about this one. On first thought, looking at the mascaras I'm currently using - a Soap and Glory one I've never used before - I assumed this meant I'd utterly failed. But really, although I like my current lash offerings, I know deep down that I'm a Maybelline The Falsies gal at heart. I know that after my current one's offered its last drop I'll most likely go back to my old faithful. Maybe if I spot a new one - their Lash Sensational one is calling at me - I might go away for a bit, but unless it's even better than The Falsies, it's unlikely to be a repeat purchase. I'm saying PASS on that one.
  4. Stick with what you know - This one I'm fairly unsure of how to actually measure my success for as I do like to add to my ever-growing stash sometimes all the time and with that comes variety and change, despite the fact a lot of my purchases go along similar lines. I also like to experiment with my makeup look in itself every now and again, deviating from 'what I know' and sometimes discovering a something good (the power of contouring) or a proper 'I must never do this again and must take all my makeup off immediately' type scenario (applying dark, almost-black matte shadow all over my lids). I suppose  though that if you put it back into the context of when I actually first wrote this 'Beauty Reminder' and stressed the importance of sticking with what you know for special occasions, given the above incident - it's gotta be a PASS.
  5. Have more of a nail routine - I'm bad when it comes to having a nail care routine that actually goes beyond just cutting and filing them. I have to admit that whilst I may be getting more into the whole 'four way filer' thing when I remember/can be bothered, I still am in a bit of a no-mans-land when it comes to giving my nails some proper TLC in between coats of colour. This may well be my slight laziness or lack of time but also could be due to simply not knowing where to start. Anyone out there who's into this type of thing - I'd love to hear your feedback. For now, it's a FAIL - but maybe in the future that may all change.
A mixed bag of results - some good, some bad - but as I've mentioned, maybe when a few more 'Beauty Reminder' posts have passed I'll revisit these again and see if I can finally nail a couple of them once and for all...

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