
Friday 4 September 2015

6 Things I'd Tell My School Self

With the beginning of the School year come round again (hard to believe, but it's true), I figured what better time than to list off some of the things I personally learnt throughout my days there - which when you total it all up - comes to a fairly long amount of time. I guess it's all too easy to wise-up to everything after the event itself and think of countless ways you could've done things better, but in all honesty it really is true. So, without further ado - let's get into it...
  1. You will not always be friends or be liked by everyone. It's just a matter of life and although it can be hard to accept at first - this kinda thing tends to be the case throughout your entire life so I guess it's best you get used to it now rather than later.
  2. Those things you 'learn' about which you are certain you'll never, ever, need to know about again? You're right.
  3. Don't spend your time stewing over or being afraid of the 'popular' people, mean people and general idiots. Why should you live your life to please others who in years to come, will not even have any relevance to you anymore?
  4. Enjoy all those breaktimes, lunchtimes and general 'time' you have with your friends. When your time at school ends you'll miss having the opportunity to see and speak to them nearly every day.
  5. If you don't know something - ask.
  6. Even though you may not realise it now, you will miss it later on when some time has passed and maybe, just maybe, *whispers* you may just wish you could go back and do it all again.

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