
Wednesday 21 October 2015

Three New Additions To My Haircare Routine...

I can be pretty boring sometimes when it comes to my haircare. When it comes to the products I use on my strands, I tend to find ones I love and stick with them for the foreseeable, unlike other departments such as makeup and nails in which I enjoy experimenting more in. So when I noticed recently how three new items have somehow slipped their way into my routine, I thought it was a pretty big deal and worth documenting on this 'ere space on the Internet. So, without further ado - here goes...
The first product I've been loving as of late is the PRO:VOKE Touch of Silver Brightening Shampoo. Having hair that's been bleached/coloured blonde at the ends, I like to use a purple shampoo every now and again to neutralise the brassy, orange tones that can sometime rear their ugly head. Before, I'd only used the Lee Stafford one, but this time when the bottle was all used up I fancied a change so opted for this one from PRO:VOKE as I'd heard really good things about it, and for under a fiver I figured I had little to loose if it didn't work out as well as I'd hoped. I had no need to worry though, as I infact really, really like it. I've used it a few times since making the purchase (they recommend you to use it maximum of two times a week) and I notice such an improvement in the toning of my hair each time I employ it in the washing process. I find it gives more 'instant' results compared to the Lee Stafford version, and the effects last longer too so all in all - this gets the big thumbs up from me.

Next up is a heat defence spray and I have to admit this kind of purchase was a long time in the making. I always use a heat protection on my hair every time I wash it - mainly out of habit than anything - but another habit I was finding myself in recently was using the same one over and over again. The Got2B Guardian Angel one was forever a staple in my haircare shelf, and while I love using it and it will most likely always be the one I go back to, I again wanted to change things up so went for a new one I'd never tried before when my last bottle gave up the ghost. I'd heard a lot about the L'Oreal Studio Line range, so opted for their Hot Straight Spray. This holds many claims, including protecting your hair (duh) and leaving it sleek and polished at the same time. As well as liking my hair to be protected from heat damage, a frizz-free finish is also high up there on my list of hair desires so this spray should seemingly be my new best friend - and it really is. Of course, you can never totally be sure as to just how much heat defence sprays are actually defending your hair from heat tools, but judging by how soft and smooth my hair feels after using this, I'd hazard a guess that it's doing fairly well. I find after blow-drying and then styling my hair (usually with straighteners) the finish really is much sleeker in texture and if I straighten it completely on the day I've washed my hair and used this, the style pretty much stays in place until I need to wash it again - result!

Finally I have a product that isn't so much of a 'new' addition, but a re-addition to my haircare routine. I've used the COLAB Dry Shampoo before, but never in this scent and as of late I've been going to Batiste for all my dry shampoo needs so haven't actually picked up a bottle of any kind in a while. However, after using the Batiste for a while, I've noticed how while it does do the job, it's quite thick of texture and leave some residue behind - something I'd never experienced with the COLAB range - so when my last bottle ran out I went running straight back into the arms of Ruth Crilly's range, this time plumping for the 'Paris' fragrance. I have to say this one isn't my favourite, favourite out of all the scents I've tried (the 'London' one is probably my top pick in terms of that aspect), but in regards to the spray itself - it works a treat. All the power of the Batiste without the heavy feeling it sometimes left behind, and the ability to never go overboard with it - I love this stuff. Maybe I'll try more familiar scent next time, and I'm sure we'll be onto a winner once again...

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