
Sunday 6 December 2015

25 Festive Facts About Me! #DitsyDecember

Seeing as I've done a couple of the more traditional style of this post before (here and here), I figured it may be fun to conjure up a festive-themed edition for this year's #DitsyDecember for you lovely lot today. Just like the usual set-up, I'm listing quarter of a hundred facts about moi - but this time round, they're all in someway related with this time of year. Let's do this...

  1. Going to the annual Christmas light switch-on in our town is when I instantly begin to feel festive!
  2. I've always helped my Mum make the Christmas Pudding every year ever since I was younger, and each Christmas as I got older, I started doing more and more until it's now got to the point where I basically do it all myself (with a little supervision though, of course).
  3. Elf is my ultimate favourite Christmas movie - fo' sho'.
  4. Christmas shopping sure is stressful sometimes, but the feeling I get when it's all done is just the best and even the thought of giving them to my loved ones gets me all excited.
  5. Every year since I can remember I've had a stocking and it has to be one of my favourite parts of Christmas in general. I remember when I was younger and my Sister was still at home, she use to get one too and on Christmas Morning either I'd go into her room or she'd go into mine, and we'd sit on the bed and open our stocking presents together. My Mum mainly does it and she basically puts loads of little £1 presents in there, often taking inspo from things she knows I love - face masks, chocolate etc. - and I've made her promise to make me one every year till I leave home. Seriously.
  6. I love watching Christmas Top Of The Pops after eating our Christmas Dinner and just relaxing in front of the TV and going into a bit of a #FoodComa.
  7. Being the anal person I am, the last couple of Christmases I've created a spreadsheet planning things down to the last detail in an attempt to organise myself properly. Pressies, Cards, To-Do Lists - everything.
  8. I love me some Orange Juice and Lemonade - don't know why, it just seems to be 'the' drink I love during Christmas. I remember when my Sister got me into it when I was younger and I thought it was all kind of awesome. However, I can maybe see this changing now I can 'legally' drink and buy my own beverages.
  9. I'm never much of a glitter fan all the rest of the year - until Christmas rolls around and I can't get enough of the stuff. I don't know what gets into me, honestly.
  10. Christmas evening is all about the festive editions of the Soaps, yeah?
  11. I have at least three outfit changes during the course of Christmas Day. In the morning, I'm all about the onesie, until I get dressed up for the rest of the day. However, the whole 'dressed up' thang usually only lasts until not long after Christmas Dinner, when I'm feeling super-stuffed and just need to get out of my uncomfortable clothes and straight back into my comfies again. I do try and make an effort to stay in my fancy gear for as long as possible though, as I do like to make an effort at Christmas, plus there's often people round who wouldn't really appreciate seeing my Christmassey loungewear.
  12. I can never remember there ever being a White Christmas since I've been on this 'ere planet.
  13. The Festive Menu at McDonalds is my favourite, and it's like mine and my Parents tradition to go to our nearest one as soon as it comes out for tea. Mmmhmm.
  14. Speaking of Festive Menus - the Starbucks and Costa ones, hello?!
  15. Aswell as being chief person for Christmas Pud making, it's also become my task over the years to decorate the tree. My parents are in charge of putting it up of course, but I think I find it much more exciting to decorate than them, so they've gradually handed the baton over to me. Apart from when I've finished, and my Mum has to go round and have a look to make sure everything just right and it gets her seal of approval. What did I say about supervision?
  16. Christmas Pick 'n' Mix - So. Darn. Good. Need I say any more?
  17. I've watched the Christmas specials of Mr Bean and Miranda so many times, yet they still never fail to make me laugh.
  18. I really, really don't like opening Christmas presents in front of everyone as I always feel like they're all watching me, waiting for my reaction! I also always think I sound/look really forced/false when I say 'Thankyou!' and gush about said present, even if I do really love it!
  19. I love me some good 'ole festive tunez... basically play any of the old favourites and I'll be singing along in no time. *Restrains self from doing so right this very moment*.
  20. Speaking of Christmas music, my least favourite song for this time of year by far is 'Mistletoe and Wine' by Cliff Richard. Eurgh.
  21. For me, Roses are where it's at when it comes to selection boxes.
  22. Stuffing is by far my favourite part of a roast. Don't ask me why, it just always has been ever since I was younger and I think it always will be.
  23. I've never been to the Boxing Day Sales and I don't intend on that changing anytime soon.
  24. Even now, I insist on waking up on Christmas Day super, super early. I'm just too excited!
  25. Christmas in general is one of my favourite times of year. Isn't it for everyone?

And that just about wraps up this festive edition of the '25 Facts About Me' TAG! Similar to the non-Christmassy versions I've done before, however this time I'd love if it you could please comment down below one random fact about you that's somehow related to the festive season - I'd love to read them!

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