
Wednesday 30 December 2015

My Beauty Resolutions - 2015 Update and Setting 2016's! #DitsyDecember

Back in January I posted here all about some Beauty Resolutions I wanted to set myself for 2015. Seeing as everyone does the typical 'Lose weight', 'Drink more water' style resolutions (including myself), I wanted to do something a little different and thus I instead focused on five purely beauty-related goals I wished to accomplish by the end of the year. So, as we are now nearing the end of 2015 (already?!), today I thought I'd recap on just what those goals were and how far I feel I've gone to tackling them and perhaps setting myself a few more I fancy myself taking on for the next year. Let's do this...

(P.S. I have decided to set myself some resolutions in terms of the more personal side of things for 2016 - including a few blog-related goals - but I'm saving that for my first post of this year before we kick off the 2015 Faves!)
MASTER THE FALSIES - I feel like this year has indeed been the one in which I've finally tackled the whole faux eyelashes thang. I've tried some of Tanya Burr's and a couple from Fleur's Eylure collaboration and overall I quite enjoyed doing so. I think I finally realised the whole key to it all is finding the right ones for you and the style you're going for. So, for me, I personally like my falsies to add a little somethin' somethin' - but not look too 'out there'. And in 2015 I think I've done that - at last!
SORT MY HAIR OUT - Another thing I wanted to do this years was finally get my hair to a point at which I was happy with it. This time last year I had the top section of my hair blonded, while the underneath section remained my natural mousey-blonde/brown colour. And if I'm honest, I didn't like it very much at all. I knew I wanted to move the blonde down my hair and have the darkness of m natural hue at the top - an ombre effect, if you will. Well, it's now the end of the year and I'm happy to day my hair is finally how I want it! My top once-blonde section has grown out (quite a lot, considering my hair usually grows at an abnormally-slow rate) and with a bit of blending, now goes from brown to blonde and I've had some blonde added to the underneath section too and I love it. I can now have blonde in my hair without worrying about it growing out and leaving the dreaded root-line and my hair looks much more united than it did before. Big woop!
TURN OVER MORE PRODUCTS - I wanted this year to be the one where I at last began turning over all the beauty bumf I like to harbour. Being a lover for all things beauty, there was rather a lot to get through and even throughout this year, I've continued buying more (whether to replace something else or not). However, I've found my stash to be far more condensed than it used to be now and I think my long list of Empties posts (here) showcase that I have really been going through all my cosmetics. It also means I have more excuses to try new things - it's a win, win!
EXPERIMENT MORE WITH MAKEUP STYLE - Finally, for 2015's Beauty Resolutions was this little one I decided to tag on at the end. It's more of a general things than all of the others, but it's a goal nonetheless I suppose. While, I think I've finally found what suits me best in terms of makeup - it's always nice to try something new and for 2015 I wanted to do exactly that. It's never nice to feel yourself getting stuck in a rut and so these past few months I've been pushing myself to try new formulas, colours, textures and I'd say I've had a pretty good go. It's been a good year for makeup, 2015...
And so, moving onto some beauty-tinged resolutions I want to set myself for the upcoming 12 months (a.k.a. 2016)...

HAVE A PROPER MAKEUP DETOX EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE - I've promised myself that as soon as January hits, I am having a through go-through all my makeup I own, streamlining it all and throwing out/donating any bits I don't need or want anymore along the way. It's got to the point where my once-spacious set of Muji drawers are now nearly fit to burst and rather than buy more drawers to accommodate it all, I'd rather have a bit of a clear-out and make more room for the stuff I want to keep... and possibly any new bits to be added, of course.

SPEND MORE TIME ON BODYCARE - Towards the end of 2015, I began spending increasingly less time on my body. I exfoliated it, and I shaved it (TMI?) and that was about it. Moisturising it just became a big hassle and especially in the Winter months when the last thing you fancy doing is standing about slathering on butters and lotions after emerging from a warm bath. So, with a New Year upon us and (hopefully) warmer weather ahead that I need to prep myself for - it's time to spend a little more time on looking after my limbs.

...BUT BE MORE TIME EFFICIENT OVERALL - I understand this one seems a little hypocritical after my last point - but hear me out. While I do want to spend more time of my body-care, all in all I also want to be a little more efficient with the amount of minutes on the clock I take on my whole beauty routine. I've found over the last year the amount of time it typically takes me to do my full-face of makeup in particular gradually creeping up and up and it's got to the stage where I'd like to perhaps try and see if I can be a little more speedy. I can do it!

INVEST MORE IN MY SKINCARE - Onto the final two points now - I promise. Like I said in yesterday's post, nothing's really changed much in terms of my skincare faves for the last year. I'm still very much enjoying the same things I was back in 2014 and while that is completely fine, I would like to branch out a little and try some new bits 'n' bobs - #BeautyBloggerProblems. In particular, I'd perhaps like to try a few items that are on the tad more pricey side of things. I'm not talking Sunday Riley-type heights of course (that'd be a tad ridiculous), but just trying to up my game a little in the skincare department.

COMPLETE A MAKEUP/NAILS COURSE - And last, but certainly by no means least is this corker. Yes, I am being serious. A few weeks back I decided that this year, I want to complete either a course that trains me as a Makeup Artist or Nail Technician - with me currently leaning more towards the latter. Beauty is my main passion (as if this blog wasn't big enough evidence for that statement) and I want to try and make a go of it as a career in some way, shape or form. I hate my current job at the moment (a few hours at a corner shop that was only supposed to run alongside my recently-completed A Levels) and am trying my best to get out of it and onto a career path I love and I'm hoping this may help me do so. Eeeek!

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