
Monday 15 February 2016

Disappointing Product - Maybelline The Falsies Push Up Drama Mascara

You know me - I'm not one who likes to get all Negative Nancy on the blog. I like to keep things fairly light-hearted where I can, hence why you don't tend to see these types of posts on Dainty Ditsy very often. That and the fact that luckily I haven't managed to come across too many products which fall under this category since I've really gotten into the whole beauty thang. But despite any reservations I may have towards putting a slight downer on proceedings, I feel it only right that when I do happen upon a product which doesn't impress me much (*resists urge to start singing Shania Twain*) that I share my thoughts with you lovely lot. Obviously (as I've no doubt said before when I have done one of these posts), everyone's different - especially when it comes to things like mascaras - so of course this isn't me saying this product is generally 'awful', but that I simply didn't work out for me. Let's get started...

Another thing you're more than likely to know about me if you're a regular round these parts is that usually, myself and Maybelline mascaras just click. I love the original version of The Falsies, their Lash Sensational was of my favourite finds last year and The Rocket is fab for a more subtle lash or for going on those pesky lower lashes. So naturally, when I saw the brand was adding yet another lash offering to their line-up, I just knew I had to give it a go as going on previous track record - things were looking promising (as I left off when last mentioning this mascara in my recent 'NIATD' post). However, unfortunately it didn't turn out that way. I can't exactly pinpoint just one reason which I'm sure is why I don't love this, but I just don't.

On first application, the brush appeared to be very much full of product and as soon as I started applying it to my lashes as I normally do with any mascara I use, things quickly got out of hand. The first couple of strokes left a nice, lengthened and slightly thicken look, though as I continued more and more product kept transferring onto my lashes and after just one layer it looked like I'd applied about ten. Now, I'm all for mascaras that leave my lashes looking that way if the finish is good, but this one just didn't do that at all. One coat left my lashes so thick they all clumped together and I had to run a lash comb through them to separate them out - which then in turn took away any volume the mascara had actually created and left my lashes looking rather sad and sorry in appearance indeed. I applied a second coat to try and amp up the drama that I'd lost again, but the same thing happened and I was back to a set of lashes that resembled some kind of insect residing on my lashline. In the end, I had to go back over them with brush from a different mascara to try and make them look just about presentable for the day ahead but let's just say - I was not at all chuffed. I was determined to not give up straight away though, so the next day I tackled things from a slightly different angle. I'd left the mascara to dry out a little overnight in the hope it would drastically dry down the very, very wet formula; and once I took the brush out to use I gave it a rather through wipe-down with a tissue to take off any excess so it didn't all get stuck in my lashes again and I was left with the right amount of product on the wand. But the same thing happened, and I was desperately trying to correct all the mistakes this mascara was making again. For me, the only way I can get this to kind of work is by layering it very lightly over a coat of another mascara. This way, I get all the good points it has (lots of volume, length and lift), without all the bad ones (a.k.a. #ClumpCentral). It's still not ideal though - I'm a 'one mascara does it all'-type gal and the thought of using two together when I could just use one that does the job well enough alone just doesn't make sense to me.

All in all, not a good'un in my opinion. Like I said earlier, I can't really pin down just one reason why this mascara doesn't seem to work for me but I feel there are certainly some noticeable faults which mean it just doesn't get along with my lashes. The formula is just far too wet and far too much of it comes out on the brush and the plastic-y brush with its short and stumpy bristles also doesn't really help, packing on the product without evenly dispersing it or combing it through the lashes at all. I would say perhaps give this one a miss, though as I said at the start of this post - what I don't like may just be what someone else loves - so maybe my best parting advice is to give it a go regardless and see if it rings true for one of you lovely lot...


  1. I found this mascara too wet as well, I would sneeze and it would be everywhere! Such a shame too.

    Parie x

    1. I hate it when mascaras are too dry in formula, but this one goes too far the other way! Such a shame - as I said, I usually love Maybelline mascaras! X
