
Friday 19 February 2016

Haircare Tips 'n' Tricks

After going into Boots yesterday and spending far too long perusing the haircare aisles, trying to pick out my next shampoo/conditioner duo to try on my tresses - it occurred to me that I don't really speak about the topic on this 'ere blog as often as I maybe should. Sure, I mention my favourites here and there, but I don't really tend to dedicate a whole post to haircare alone - so that is exactly what I'm going to do today. One day I hope to share a full, comprehensive list of everything that goes into my routine but for now, let's discuss some of my personal tips 'n' tricks...

Obviously, as with everything beauty-related - these tips will hopefully agree with some of you lovely lot too but equally - they may not and that's just how these things work. I'm definitely no expert on the subject so of course I am by no means labelling these tips as the ones you 'must' follow, but simply some pointers based on what I find works for me and the hair that grows out of my head. Disclaimer out the way - let's get into it.
KNOW YOUR HAIR - I'd say to start off with the most important thing is that you get to know your own hair. Find out what 'type' it falls under - whether that be dry/damaged, oily, thick, fine, straight, frizzy - and then, you can hopefully cater what you do to it around what 'type' it falls best into. Personally, I find my hair to be rather on the dry and damaged side of things, so I like to centre everything in my routine very much around nourishment and making my hair much healthier. Look for products that state your hair type on the label and have a read of the description of what they each aim to do to your hair. It sounds so simple, but is rather crucial when trying to combat any hair-mares you may have.
IF IN DOUBT, CONDITION - Saying that, I'd also suggest that if you are in doubt of what to do to your hair - nourish it. Whatever your hair type, you want to keep it happy and healthy and so make sure you give it some TLC every now and again. There's so many conditioning products on the market - masks, leave-in sprays, oils and so on - it's just a case of finding what works best for you. 
PROTECT, PROTECT, PROTECT - Another major tip I'd give in regards to looking after your hair is always protecting it (heat protecting it, that is). I cannot stress enough how important it is to shield your tresses from all the damaging effects heat can have on it. Get into the habit of using heat protecting products whenever you use any heat on your hair - whether that be drying or styling it - and find a product that you can employ accordingly.
LOOK AT YOUR DIET - A slightly more left-field one perhaps but one I do feel can make a big difference in your hair - quality and quantity. What you eat can actually make big changes in the condition of your hair and make it much healthier, stronger and *hopefully* grow much longer, much quicker too. Your hair's made out of protein, so of course this is the area where you want to try and improve and up your intake of a little more. Meat, oily fish, eggs are all good sources of the stuff (and so are nuts, seeds and any soy products if you're a vegetarian or pescetarian) so maybe have a little gander at what you're eating and see if you can add some more of those things into your diet.
TAKE CARE! - My fifth and final tip actually is probably the simplest and 'easiest' one of all and that is to quite literally be careful with your hair. Try and avoid playing with it (definitely need to practice what I preach here), take care when you style it, maybe tie it up when it's windy - these are all things that may just help in regards to minimising breakage, split ends and any hair loss too.

And there are just some of my own tips I find help in regards to keeping my hair in (relatively) good shape! Have any of you lovely lot you got any more to add to the matter? Leave them in the comments below!

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