
Friday 1 April 2016

How To Have A Successful Shopping Trip

I've been thinking a lot about shopping recently - but not necessarily in the way you think. I'm talking more the methodology behind it. I like to think that over the years I've collected a few pearls of wisdom as to how I try to have what I call a 'successful' shopping trip. Yanno those ones where you make a list, get there and manage to tick everything (or nearly everything) off in record time? Everything runs pretty smoothly and you have this feeling of accomplishment that's worthy of the fist-pump emoji. Yeah, you know what I mean. Today I want to share some of my tips I've learnt along the way as to how I attempt to make every shopping trip just like that...

PLAN - It's perhaps an obvious one, but a good'un nevertheless. Make a list of what you want to buy or have a look at and this will help to save on time and give your trip a little more structure. It's always good to have a focus which you centre your trip around, and then if you get that done then you can go more off-piste and look at other things - safe in the knowledge that what you actually came from is ticked off. It's also perhaps a good idea to plan where you want to go too and where you're starting and ideally want to finish up so you can map things out and ensure you're not going back on yourself. Sounds complex - but it works.

BE COMFORTABLE - I guess another point that sort of follows on nicely from the whole planning thang is to think ahead in regards to what you're going to wear and ensure you feel good in it. Ain't nobody got time for a shopping spree when you don't feel at all comfortable. Wear something you feel fab in, but also something which won't irritate you after a few hours and that will be easy peasy to remove once in the changing rooms (if clothes shopping is your plan, obvs). Flat shoes are probably the best option and try to dress as accordingly to the weather as you can so you don't get all hot and flustered. Basically, it's all about the comfort.

MAKE TIME - Personally, I think the major key to having a good time shopping is timings. Making sure you allow plenty of time to get there, get done and get back - comfortably. Sure, you may well be able to get it done and dusted in an hour, but in order for that to happen it'd probably feel quite rushed and obviously doesn't account for anything to go 'wrong' or for any delays - big crowds, long queues etc. Treat shopping like an event that you make time for and indulge in everything that comes with it. Take breaks, perhaps stop for lunch and make it a more relaxing experience as opposed to a stressful one. I always find when I do this I have a much more successful trip - and an enjoyable one too.

GET A SHOPPING BUDDY (OR DON'T) - Now this one's kind of a mixed bag, in that it kind of depends on yourself as a person. I personally prefer to shop by myself if I have a certain list of things I need to buy, but enjoy mooching round with other people if I don't. It's all a matter of preference, as whilst I find I have a more successful time if I just need to focus on what I'm doing as opposed to factoring other people's lists into the equation too, I know of others who are the complete opposite. Some people enjoy having a companion to advise and share ideas with (or simply to enable them), some may prefer the independence and 'free-rein' feeling of shopping alone and others may be a mix of the two - like me. Go with what suits you best.

TRY IT ON - Again this kind of ties in well with some points I've mentioned earlier, but especially when it comes to clothes shopping, always try things on. This is one of the reasons why I put a lot of emphasis on allowing time for shopping - this in hand allows you time to go into the changing rooms and try on all your potential purchases before you actually make it to the till. Obviously, to some this isn't essential as in many shops you can return items at a later date after trying them from the comfort of your own home, but personally I like to make time for this step when I'm actually in the store. It kinda forces you to make a decision right there and then and means that if there are any things you don't like you don't have to traipse back a few days later to get a refund. Genius.


  1. I'm always rubbish at shopping. I generally either come away empty-handed or end up hating half the things I buy!! Sometimes I like having a shopping buddy, but it does get annoying if they don't browse at the same pace as you! :P x

    Holly ∣ Closingwinter

    1. I agree about the shopping buddy thing! I can see the benefits and why many people like it, but personally if I'm going shopping with the actual intention of getting something, I much prefer going alone! X
