
Sunday 15 May 2016

My Current Tanning Routine #EveryDayMay

Yes, you heard that right - I am back on the tanning brigade. Well, kinda. I doubt I will ever be one to be doing the proper fake tan DIY jobs. As much as I'd love to think I'd be able to do it, I don't think in reality that'd be the case, so instead I prefer to stick to faux glow of the 'gradual tan' variety and leave the hardcore stuff to the professionals if I really need a full-on tan. I'm typically all about the Garnier SummerBody for amping up the tan on my pale skin (particularly my extra-white legs that never seem to tan naturally at all), though this year I fancied trying something new and having heard some good vibes about the Palmers Natural Bronze Gradual Tanning Moisturiser, figured I'd pick it up to try for myself.

Like the Garnier one, this is supposedly a body lotion with the slightest hint of pigment to it which you apply like you normally would to the areas you wish to get a lil' bit of glow going on, leave it to sink in and do its thang (I like to apply a while before bed and leave it overnight) and after a while you are left with a tad more of a tan than you had however many hours prior. The first time I used this was admittedly a bit of a palaver. The actual application went smoothly - everything sunk in fairly quickly and easily - though come the next morning, things weren't exactly as I was expecting. Considering this is deemed a 'gradual' tan, I sure had a heck more colour to my legs. The actual colouring of the tan had a gorgeous olive-y undertone to it which didn't immediately scream 'fake tan' - but the fact my pins were about ten times darker than the rest of my body definitely did. After some experimentation I've realised this was more down to my slightly heftier application than the product itself and I now know for next time that less is certainly more. I have managed to tone down my mistake though slowly but surely by buffing and exfoliating every night since with my flannel and a new body scrub I picked up a week or so ago...
And that body scrub in question is the I Love... Lemon Meringue Whipped Sugar Scrub. I picked this up to replace my body scrub that had recently made its way into the Empties bin as I always like to have some form of exfoliator in my bodycare stash and after a peruse through Superdrug, I came across this one. I fancied a change from my usual Soap and Glory one I tend to repurchase and this called out to me - firstly, because of it being a new product and secondly, due to it having a 'Lemon Meringue' scent. I am a big fan of anything lemon-scented and this is no let-down on that front. It quite literally smells like lemon sherbet and feels very refreshing to use. It does a great job of buffing away at my skin and stripping some of the excess tan to leave a more natural effect behind, but still being fairly gentle at the same time. Alongside that, it also foams up on my skin into a lather-type consistency and acts as a kind of body wash at the same time. A two in one that smells good enough to eat? Sold.

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