
Monday 27 June 2016

Prom Flashback - Three Years On

Today marks three years since my prom. How, exactly, I'm really not sure - isn't it crazy? That basically makes it three years since I left high school too and quite a lot has changed in my life since then - including my approach to makeup. So, for today's post, I thought I'd do a little 'flashback' and just generally have a little chat with you lovely lot. I'm not quite sure as to the actual purpose of this post right now, but sometimes it's just nice to have a talk through things, eh?

At the time of prom, I was only really beginning to get into makeup properly. I'd just started wearing foundation, trying (major emphasis) to actually do something with my eyebrows and my makeup in general was very simple. I also at the time didn't have a job (I had only just turned 16) and so was reliant on only the five pounds a week pocket money which I received from my parents. I didn't spend nearly as much money on makeup as I do now (obviously, as back then I couldn't afford to) and I remember vividly in the weeks before prom having to budget my money like crazy to try and afford any new products I wanted to buy especially for my prom makeup. I chose to do my own as opposed to having a professional do it for me - again, due to limited funds - and this all contributed to the kind of look I went for in the end. Something simple and very akin to the kind of makeup I'd wear normally at the time, just more glammed-up.

As I think I've mentioned before, from the time I first really got into the whole makeup thang until not long after prom - I was a real hardcore fan of liquid liner. Day-to-day I used to just wear a black cat flick, some mascara and a bit of concealer and leave it at that and looking back on it - it was rather terrifying, considering my sparse natural brows which I didn't touch. Luckily, as we approached prom I begun to pay more attention to the finer details and bought a few bits 'n' bobs to fill in the finer details. All in all, still to this day I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Sure, there are a few things that given the chance to go back in time, I would change a little but I think that's a given the fact it's now three years later. Your teenage years are when you typically go through the most changes in many ways. Back then, I was only just getting started with makeup - learning, practicing and generally experimenting with it. Over the past three years, my confidence and skill has grown (even if I do say so myself) and with that, my makeup routine and application has also altered. The only aspect which I feel has really stayed the same is my passion for makeup. I'm sure in three years from now, the way I like to do my makeup will have again switched around a little, but I'll still be just as interested in the whole thing as I ever was. #BeautyJunkie4Eva...

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