
Friday 24 June 2016

Primark Beauty Haul

I've never really looked that much into Primark Beauty before. It's been around a while (I believe), though over the years it's never really done much to capture my attention and persuade me to try anything out. However, in recent weeks I've seen a fair few blog posts or YouTube videos centred entirely around the topic of the Primark Beauty range - what it's all about, just how well it performs when compared to its low price tag and whether there are any potential dupes amongst the collection. With that in mind, a couple of days ago I decided to finally have a looksee in my local store at the beauty department and after a good rummage, here's what I came across...

First things first, I spotted the Primark Beauty 'Love Your Nails' Nail Corrector Pen. I currently use a product similar to this from Barry M to tidy up and just generally clear up any mistakes I might have made when lacquering up my nails. It does the job and does last a fair while, though clocks in at just under a fiver, in comparison to Primark's version at only £1. So, I figured it may be a good idea to try it out and see how it works and if it gets the thumbs up, I guess I'll be sticking with good 'ole Primarni from now on. Also for nails, I picked up the Primark Beauty 'Love Your Nails' Pump Nail Polish Remover. I have been wanting to try this kind of packaging set-up for nail polish remover for what feels like the longest of times and so it kinda made perfect sense to give this one from Primark a go when - once again - it clocked in at just £1. Whether I like the actual product housed inside, I'm hopeful that if I get along with the format, I can simply refill it with a remover of my choice and whenever I need to dispense some, can simply pump it onto a cotton pad and I'm good to go. As always, I'll keep you posted.

Moving onto makeup - which I feel is the main attraction for many when it comes to Primark's beauty section - and personally, I only had a select few items on my mental shopping list which I was interested in purchasing. After reading and watching up on the range, there seemed to be a common theme of what's generally rather good and what's simply a little bit pants. Once I actually got into my local store, I noticed that some of those products weren't anywhere to be seen (as I heard is often the case when it comes to actually tracking down items in the range) and so in the end, I only came away with a couple of items. I'd heard from many people that the Primark Beauty Lip Liner Pencils where a particular gem from all the makeup goodies Primark had on offer, so I ended up picking up two shades to give a go. With me being all about the nudes and pinks right now (much like many others), they were always gonna be the hues that I instantly gravitated towards and so I plumped for 'Nude' (another of your standard, pinky-brown liners) and 'Dark Pink' (a deep, pinky-mauve). Both look equally gorgeous in the actual bullets, so lets hope that the colours and formulas are just as stunning when put into practice...

Finally, a few more 'random' purchases. As always when I go into the Primark beauty section, I like to keep an eye out for any new variations of the face masks from Montagne Jeunesse which are typically scattered round the till points. Fortunately, I was in luck this time round and came away with a Cucumber and Lime Crush Peel-Off Mask, Blueberry Blast Mud Masque, Cherry Twist Scrub Masque and a Tropical Fruity Self-Heating Masque. I've used masks from Montagne Jeunesse many, many times before and am yet to use one which I am disappointed with so I'm sure these ones will be no different. I also had a little scour of the makeup brushes and tools department and came across a brush which caught my eye. I have only invested in one brush from Primark before, and while it perhaps does not fully compare to the likes of my beloved Real Techniques, it's still pretty darn good considering how much of a steal it was. With that in mind, this time round I opted for the Primark Beauty Eye Contour Brush. I think this looks like a really lovely brush. It's unlike anything else I've seen before (a rarity typically in lower-priced brands) in that it's short and densely-packed and rather than being tapered - has an angled cut, making it ideal to use for the outer corner and really getting into the crease. I guess it's the perfect brush for contouring the eye. Ahhh - does exactly what it says on the tin...

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