
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Getting My #TanyaBakes On With Triple Chocolate Cookies...

A bit of a different post from me today! As opposed to the usual beauty-related chat I like to do round these parts, I'm switching things up for today's post and focusing in on baking instead. I think for as long as I have been following Tanya Burr, she has raved on and on about her Triple Chocolate Cookie recipe. She got it from Anna (ViviannaDoesMakeup), who got it from someone else and it's become quite a famous treat on the Interwebs. There's been numerous blog posts and videos from a whole variety of creators and last year Tanya gave it a mention in the baking chapter of her first book, 'Love Tanya'. So, I guess it was no surprise that when she released 'Tanya Bakes' - her first publication wholly centred around baking - that the very same recipe features. Personally, I've been waiting for the right time to bake these cookies for what feels like an age now, so when the perfect opportunity arose last weekend - I got straight to it...

The general consensus when it comes to these cookies are that they're basically a Chocoholic's dream. A chocolate-flavoured dough base, bursting with as much of the stuff as you can lay your hands on. As the name implies, Tanya typically suggests opting for a combination of milk, white and dark chocolate - but I guess you could adapt it to suit your own personal preferences and I guess you could even use a completely different type altogether (Cadbury's Caramel anyone?) - providing it makes up to the right amount in the recipe. All in all - these cookies are very naughty, but having finally tried one out, they're also very nice too - and we all deserve a treat every once in a while, right?

Triple Chocolate Cookies (Makes 12):

200g Unsalted Butter
300g Caster Sugar
1 Large Egg
275g Self-Raising Flour
75g Cocoa Powder
A dash of milk (if needed)
300g Chocolate (I personally like to use 100g of Milk, White and Dark but it's completely up to you what you use)

Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius and line two baking trays with greaseproof paper. Cream together your butter and sugar until it's light and fluffy. Add in your egg and beat together until combined. Add in all your dry ingredients to the wet mixture. Add in a dash of milk if the mixture is looking too dry. Break up your chocolate of choice and add it in - using your hands to ensure it's thoroughly spread out throughout the cookie dough mixture. Divide your mixture into 12, equally-sized balls and place onto your baking trays - pressing them down slightly. Make sure they have lots of room around them as the cookies do spread in the oven! Place them into the pre-heated oven for 11 minutes (Tanya has specified herself that she's found this to be the perfect time for crisp on the outside, gooey in the middle cookies - and she's right!). Once the time is up, they will not look cooked - but do not be tempted to put them back in! Leave them on the trays for at least 30 minutes and they will continue to cook and harden up as they cool down. Once fully cooled, you're safe to take them off the tray and enjoy!

And there we have it - the most amazing cookie recipe I have ever come across. Crunchy on the outside and all soft, gooey and melt-in-the-mouth worthy in the middle. It's making my mouth water just thinking about it. I highly suggest you get your baking gear out and give them a go yourself as they truly are all kinds of amazing...

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