
Thursday 22 December 2016

Festive LUSH Haul! #DitsyDecember

It's not Christmas without a trip to LUSH, eh? Ever since I discovered the wonderful world of LUSH I have been all kinds of obsessed - particularly around Christmas. Their festive collection is always full to the brim of gorgeous goodies and of course, I just had to pick up a few bits 'n' bobs. Wanna see what I bought? Lets dive straight on in...

Of all the collection that I've sampled in the past, I have always had a soft spot for the So White Bath Bomb. It comes back every single year and ever since trying it a couple of years back, it's been a firm favourite of mine. This has a gorgeous crisp, apple scent that makes a nice change from all the sweet, sickly fragrances that often adorn the rest of the products that LUSH bring out this time of year. While it looks super plain and simple on the outside, once placed in the warm bath it explodes into a bright, vivid colour and rumour has it, this time round they've changed the bright pink to a green instead. I'm excited to give the new and updated version a go!

Another product that I've tried in years past that I just had to pick up again for this festive season is the Butterbear Bath Bomb. Again, this has been on the ol' LUSH Christmas block for what feels like an age now and I just cannot resist picking on up when I pop in. This is a festive take on their Butterball Bath Bomb that's a staple in the range all year round and isn't it just so cute? This is probably the most affordable option of the whole collection and it's also the one that's got the most actual skincare benefits inside. It may not make a spectacular show in your bath, but the cocoa butter formula leaves your limbs feeling super soft and supple and the ylang ylang fragrance is super good for creating a nice calm, peaceful atmosphere.

Finally for the 'Oldies But Goodies That I Just Couldn't Help Repurchasing Again' is the Peeping Santa Bubble Bar. When I'm not in the mood for something that creates actual bubbles as opposed to a mini fireworks display in my 'tub - I just love this one for this time of year. This one again, contains tonnes of ingredients that are super nourishing for your skin and makes your bath all festive, giving it a deep red hue. As with most bubbles bars, this goes a little further than the ballistics - I usually get at least two good baths out of them, both complete with mountains of bubbles.

And then - I picked up a new bath bomb that I haven't tried before (and I believe is completely new to the range as of this year too!). This is the Mistletoe Bath Bomb and once again, isn't it just so pretty? Definitely too cute to put back, that's fo' sho'. This has a gorgeous jasmine scent that I can just imagine to be perfect for a late night bath when you want to easily drift off to sleep. I personally love these kinds of floral scents and I also love the look of the deep purple colour this supposedly turns your bath water into. Can. Not Wait.

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