
Sunday 11 December 2016

The Festive Me-Time TAG #DitsyDecember

With Christmas being right round the corner (literally, only two weeks away!) today I thought I'd mark the occasion by bringing you lovely lot a festive-themed edition of the Me-Time TAG which was very popular round the online beauty world a year or so ago and I feel encompasses the whole 'pampering' theme of Christmas for me personally very well. So without further ado - let's get started...

  1. What do you watch or read during me-time? It's Christmas, so of course there's only really one option here - Christmas films! As I'm sure you know if you've read round these parts before, I am a big lover of 'Elf' - it's probably my favourite Christmas movie of all time - but I also really enjoy watching Christmas-themed episodes of some of my favourite sitcoms and comedies too. Yes, I may well have watched them all many, many times before; but that sure as hell don't stop me from enjoying them...
  2. What do you wear during me-time? #nobra No matter what time of year it may be, whenever I have 'me-time' it is course all about the comfort. Dressing gown, pyjamas, fluffy socks - and I am one happy girl.
  3. What are your me-time beauty products? Christmas, and Winter in general really, always makes me reach for the rich, indulgent products which promise to soothe and replenish after all the not-so-wonderful effects of the cooler climate. I also tend to spend a little more time on my beauty routine in general around the festive period as its the time of year when I like to try and feel and look my best. I'd say of them all, one of my ultimate me-time essentials right now has to be a good ol' face mask. In particular, I love the L'OrĂ©al Pure Clay Glow Mask - it does a great job at brightening up my complexion, leaves my face feeling all smooth and refreshed and it also really hydrates my skin aswell. I'm also a big bath lover around this time of year, so I guess anything from LUSH that I can throw into the water to bit on a bit of a colourful display or add some bubbles is always a good addition too!
  4. Current favourite nail polish? At Christmas, it just has to be a glitter, doesn't it? I go full-on glitter mad during the festive period (after basically ignoring it the rest of the year) and love indulging in all the sparkly lacquers as physically possible. It's pretty darn difficult to choose just one that's my favourite, favourite above all the others; but I suppose if I had to I would plump for the
  5. What do you eat/drink during me-time? I think around Christmas, everything food and drink related is usually based around chocolate and I for one am totally ok with that. I love a bit of chocolate here and there building up to (and of course, during) the Christmas period - Terry's Chocolate Orange, I'm looking at you - but I also really enjoy a good warm, comforting drink aswell. Hot chocolate is obviously the obvious choice, but being a flavoured tea lover, I am a big fan of the warming, spicy flavours that make a reappearance this time of year. It doubles up as a way of keeping you nice and toasty when the weather's kinda nasty outside, but it's also a tad less naughty than turning to the chocolate straight away...
  6. Current favourite candle? I'm going to be honest here - I am not the biggest user or fan of candles. I've never really gotten behind the massive hype surrounding them, despite being a big fan of the gorgeous scents they emit. However, I guess if I was a bit more of a candle-lover, no doubt my personal preferences would be something a little spicy, a touch sweet and very stereotypically Christmassy. Cause I'm a basic blogger like that...
  7. Do you ever have outdoor me-time? For this time of year, it may be easy to think 'No' to this question; but actually, during Christmas I generally tend to be encouraged to go outside even more. I really like the cooler weather and the whole process of wrapping up and getting all cosy in preparation for venturing outside in it. I think especially when Christmas in general can become so intense and stressful, spending some time outside where things always seem more relaxed and peaceful always helps to clear the mind and get things into perspective again. I know, I know - it's a little bit deep - but give it a go!
  8. Would you ever go see a movie alone? Personally, I have never done this myself, but I guess if it was a really good film that I really wanted to see and no one else did - maybe it might just have to be done! Although Christmas time is generally the season of spending time with your loved ones, so...
  9. Favourite online shop? I love certain online shops all year round, but especially at Christmas I love a bit of Boots and Superdrug - they always do great gift options - and also online shops such as Amazon, which pretty much stocks everything and anything you'd need or want to buy presents-wise.
  10. Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time? I think that's pretty much all, but have I mentioned the fact that my bed always plays a big role? Sleeping, napping, just generally getting comfortable and cosy - it's integral, especially this time of year when all you want is to feel as warm as possible...


  1. I love a good tag to get you in the Christmassy mood, I'm also with you all the way on #nobra!

    Beka. xo | littleworldofbeka

    1. You definitely can't beat a good festive-themed TAG! Haha, I'm all about the #nobra life during pamper time! X
