
Wednesday 8 March 2017

6 Things I Love About Spring...

With it now being March (how I'm not entirely sure), the thought of Spring is definitely in the air. I say 'thought' as realistically, sometimes Spring doesn't always spring as soon as you'd expect, but right now, it does seem to be slowly but surely making an appearance so I figured what better time to right up this post, eh? I did a similar style of post here during 2015 when Autumn was just around the corner and so here I am, resurrecting the format. Six things I love about Spring (and are making me super excited for it to arrive this year). Here goes...
  1. Sunshine! I mean, this has gotta be the obvious one - right? Much like a good few of these things in this list, it's definitely not guaranteed (we do live in England, after all), but theoretically we should be seeing a well-overdue return of the sunshine over the next few months. Even if the actual temperature may not be on the rise just yet, I just love a nice, sunny day - as you'll understand why when you read some of the below points...
  2. (Slightly) Warmer Weather. As I just said, this one doesn't always work out as you'd expect, but nevertheless - you can usually see at least a little improvement in the weather during Spring. A lot of the time, I'm actually quite the fan of the weather during Spring - it's warm, but not too warm and if you're lucky, sunny too.
  3. The Return Of The Florals... If you haven't guessed by now - I am a floral addict. I love basically anything and everything floral print and while that obsession seems to slip under the radar over the colder months - as soon as Spring/Summer starts to make a reappearance again, it comes back out in full force. Whether it's the nicer weather or simply the fact that all the clothing shops go mad for it too - I don't know - but my love for all things floral definitely makes a return during Spring...
  4. Giving My Makeup Bag A Refresh. Much like every time a new season arrives, I really enjoy giving my everyday makeup a little update. I still have my holy-grail favourites that remain pretty much a constant staple in my routine, but I love making a few changes here and there - especially when it comes to the colour side of things - whenever a new season rolls around. Spring-wise, I tend to go a bit lighter with my coverage and brighter with the colours and tones I reach for and really go for the glowy look too. But then, what's new there, eh?
  5. Feeling Uplifted And Motivated. For some reason, I always find the arrival of Spring to be super good in terms of how I feel. While I love the cooler months, throughout Spring (and Summer too) I always feel that bit more happy, uplifted and motivated. Days are brighter, longer and there always seems to be something going on or to look forward too. Plus, my birthday is just on the horizon...
  6. Blog Photography! Finally, one which I just knew had to be included in here somewhere. If you're a fellow Blogger/YouTuber/online person you'll definitely understand what I'm on about - but seriously - since having my blog, I certainly appreciate the power of daylight so, so much more.

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