
Monday 13 March 2017

Shopping My Stash #2

You may remember that a while back - here, in fact - I did my first-ever 'Shopping My Stash' post. If you're not familiar with the concept, it was a huge craze back in the v. early days of Blogging/YouTube and I remember being hugely into reading and watching them too. As beauty fanatic, we can all be a tad guilty for having a rather large makeup collection and as a result, sometimes things get forgotten about. Once favourite products can soon become a distance memory when something new and exciting comes along and so I guess the whole aim of this idea is to inspire you to have a rifle through your makeup stash, pull out all those items that fall into that category and have a go at using - and hopefully falling in love with them - again. Let's get into just what made the cut this time around...

Collection Illuminating Touch Concealer in 'Natural' - Kicking off with a concealer that I remember using way back and actually rather enjoying, only for it to find itself buried at the back of my drawers as of late. I was lucky enough to win all three shades of this supposed Touché Eclat dupe from Collection a while ago as part of a Superdrug Instagram competition, and while at first they became a staple in my makeup routine - paired with their other infamous concealer, Lasting Perfection, it was the dream team. This shade in particular was always the one I gravitated towards the most, simply due to it being the best match for my paler skin and I am determined to find a use for it again. Who doesn't love a bit of brightness under the eyes, eh?

Rimmel Sculpting Palette By Kate in 'Coral Glow' - I appear to have built up quite the collection of cheek products. Bronzers, contours, highlighters (plus one or two blushers, which I rarely use) and one area which seems to be the fastest-growing are my palettes and 'kits'. I have a good amount of different contour kits that I've collected over the years, ever since first getting into the whole contouring and highlighting thang and by now, I feel I've established just what are my everyday, go-to's are. However, that in turn means that there are some which tend to go to the bottom of the pile and be less regularly used and loved - like this one from Rimmel. When I first got this back sometime last year, I really enjoyed using it. The contour colour was spot-on; the highlighter was subtle, but still buildable and the blusher was one of the few which I actually really wanted to slap on my face, asap. It's such a handy little trio of colours to have all in one place and I want to get back into the habit of using it again.

NYX Wonder Stick in 'Light/Medium' - Sticiking with the whole contouring, highlighting shebang - yet this time, we're talking cream textures. I don't own that many cream formulas for this department - simply as powders are generally the texture I find easiest to work with - but I do really like cream contouring and highlighting and over time, have found it to be a more accessible, everyday-friendly step and so I want to try and get more use out of this product again. I think the main 'drawback' of this one which is most likely the reason I don't reach for it as much as I'd like to is the fact that for me personally, the highlighter isn't my favourite. The shimmer-free formula just doesn't call my name at all and as a result, I struggle to fid a use for it, but as I really do like the contour end - I will persevere nevertheless...

Rimmel Brow This Way Highlighter in 'Gold Shimmer' - Finally, a highlighter specifically for the brows this time. I remember when I spotted and later bought this when it was first launched last year, I thought I wold get so much use out of this. I loved the idea of having a highlighter solely for that department and in such an easy set-up too. In reality, I haven't shown it as much love as I'd have hoped for as everyday, I tend to simply stick with whatever highlighter I'm using that day and take a slightly smaller brush to whack some of it underneath my brow bone but nevertheless, I am going to try and make this more of a staple in my routine.

Bourjois Rouge Edition Souffle De Velvet in 'Fuschiamallow' - Last, but certainly by no means least - Lips! With Spring (hopefully) just around the corner, I am beginning to eye up all of my brighter, bolder, more colourful colours that just scream out to be used in the warmer months and this one falls exactly under that category. After adding this into my collection around this time last year, I since got a tonne of use out of it during the warmer months that followed and so I am fully intent on bringing it back for 2016. This one I guess is more explainable and understandable as to why it got pushed to the side-lines for a while -  seasonal makeup rotation and all that - but with a change in season in the horizon, here I am...

And that just about concludes my first-ever round of 'Shopping My Stash'! If you liked this style of post, please do let me know as I'd love to perhaps do another in this format at some point soon as like I said - I have a rather substantial collection - so picking out a few other bits 'n' bobs that I've been neglecting sure ain't gonna be too hard...

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