
Wednesday 26 April 2017

GHD Copper Luxe Platinum Styler - I Finally Caved...

Don't get me wrong, I love my current pair of hair straighteners - Babyliss Boutique if you're wondering - but lately I've been finding that they're not working as well for me as they used to. I think I've had them for two-three years now so maybe that's something to do with it, or maybe they're just not right for me anymore and it's time to move onto a bigger and better pair. Whatever way - a week ago I did exactly that. Oh yes, I did it - I finally caved and bought a pair of GHD's...

I have been umming and arring over investing in a pair of hair straighteners from GHD for what feels like forever now. They have always been hyped up as 'the' best in the industry in terms of hair-related tools and while thy are certainly the most expensive option out there, pretty much everyone claims them to more than live up to the price you pay. Personally, I definitely felt like the price would be justifiable for me for various different reasons. I use my hair straighteners basically every single day in one way or another to style my tresses - whether it be for actual straightening, curling or waving my hair - and so I know I will get a lot of use out of them and if I will be using them constantly - why not invest in the best pair possible? Also, as I said earlier, I have recently been finding my current, much cheaper pair to not be working as well for me anymore and so my logic was that by spending more I should get a quicker and easier to use tool that delivers better and more longer-lasting results and also last longer in themselves too. Many people claim that their pair of GHD's last them a good decade - here's hoping I find this to be true too.

I pondered over what type and colour to get for ages before finally coming to the conclusion that the Platinum Styler was the one for me. The most 'premium' of all the straighteners that GHD have on offer that claims to be especially good for more 'challenging' tresses that require a little more TLC and are coloured/damaged and styled basically on a daily basis - this style sounded right up my street. And even more so when I spotted the 'Copper Luxe' design. Who doesn't love a bit of rose gold, eh? I certainly do and when given the opportunity to get the styler I wanted in a stunning copper hue, it was always gonna be something I wasn't gonna turn down. I remember these being majorly fawned over around the end of last year when they were first launched and so to get the chance to own a pair myself was pretty exciting - that's fo' sho'. I picked up the Platinum Styler Premium Gift Set that included the styler itself, a matching storage bag/heat resistant mat and two Nails Inc nail polishes in - you guessed it - two stunning shades of copper - all for the grand total of £170. While at first when placing the order, I did squirm a little at the thought of spending almost double of what my current pair cost - but I have to say that honestly, I have no regrets. I am so, so impressed. They're shorter and 'chunkier' than my current pair, but they are super-lightweight and almost feel as if you're holding nothing at all and aren't too hefty that you can't get to all of the places you want them to and I love the smooth, rounded shape barrel - perfect for curling and waving aswell as straightening. While they heat up to the one setting on 185℃, they feel so much more powerful at that heat setting than my current set do right now - again, whether that's always been the case or simply due to them being on their last legs, I'm not sure - but I really like how they work. Because of this, they take no time at all to use and when you do use them - however you style your hair lasts and lasts and lasts all darn day long. Having hair that can often not hold a style - mainly in wet, humid conditions - this is something that is probably the reason I have fallen in love with these straighteners the most. When using them, I find my hair to really lock into place however I've styled it and even when sleeping on it, I wake up the next day and things looks practically identical to how they looked before going to sleep the night before. I haven't had a chance to properly test it against the wild weather conditions that can make my hair have a bit of a freakout just yet, but so far I feel like while they may not fully solve the problem (or maybe they will - which would be even better), they certainly have the potential to help things out. All in all, it's safe to say I am more than a little bit in love with these beauties right now. It was definitely more than worth the investment after all...

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