
Wednesday 5 April 2017

Tried and Tested: Shadow Switch (Dry Brush Cleaner?)

When it comes to cleaning my makeup brushes, I tend to stick to the same sort of system. Every week (or so - we all know the deal with that) I try and do a big ol' deep clean of my big-ass brushes using my proper brush cleanser and then spot-clean my smaller ones more regularly/whenever needed using a spray-on cleaner. It works well for me and the latter cleaner I especially find to be a lifesaver for enabling me to keep the tools I use for more of the colour side of things clean, while still being able to switch them up more regularly, easily and quickly. However, while I have had never had any complaints about my usual offering, recently I have seen another 'spot cleaner' on the block that could potentially rival its convenience. How? What? When? Why? Let's find out if it lives up to expectations...

As I said, while the spray on cleanser does work well as a compromise between making my eyeshadow brushes clean, while still allowing them to be usable fairly quickly, you still do have to allow for them to dry a little bit before dipping the brush into your next shadow. Don't get me wrong, it's certainly not as a lengthy process if I was to deep-clean them, but I'm forever wishing I was able to take all of the colour, pigment and product off of the brush and then be able to straight away dip into a new shade. And that is exactly what this dry brush cleanser claims to do. I know, I know. It's safe to say I had such high hopes for this and was quite literally praying that it'd work as good as I thought it would and you know what? It bloomin' well does. Once you open the tin, inside you're met with basically just a dry, black sponge - that's all it is. There's nothing else in there, the sponge itself is completely dry and free of product (or at least, anything 'wet' or noticeable) and so you'd perhaps be forgiven in wondering just how the hell the thing is supposed to do anything at all. But actually, it's pretty magical as it sure does work. Simply take your dirty-ass brush, swirl it around in the Shadow Swatch and you're good to go. Everything is clean, everything is gone and if needed, you can carry on doing your eye makeup straight away. Sometimes, the colour isn't always gone from the brush itself, but the actual product that you don;t want there - the stuff that would interfere and mess with any other colours you use next - is fully nowhere to be seen. And that's the main bit, right? All in all, I am super, super impressed and this has well and truly made a home for itself in my makeup collection. I just can't see myself not using this on the regular now...

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