
Friday 8 December 2017

Five Favourite Finds Of 2017 - Makeup #DitsyDecember

Ever since back in 2014, sometime during #DitsyDecember at the end of the year - I like to do a post like this. I always do some form of Monthly Favourites at - you guessed it - the end of each month, and I like to do a good ol' whole year favourites round-up once a year too (obviously 2017's edition will be coming at the beginning of next year!) but I also really enjoy super-narrowing things down and doing a check-in like this - called my 'Five Favourite Finds'. As always, of course this is strictly 'new products only' and it's been rather tough to really whittle things down - so much so that eventually, I have had to limit this to just 'Makeup' only. I really hope you don't mind - it was pretty tough, yanno? So here we have it - five makeup products that have entered my life somewhere along the line in 2017 and are properly awesome awesome. Let's go...

NYX EPIC INK LINER - Up until I discovered this liquid liner earlier this year, I was all about the Soap and Glory Supercat. It had been the only liquid liner I'd really used for a good year (or two?) and honestly, I was unsure of whether that would ever change - but then, I found this. I saw and heard some amazing things after NYX released it earlier on in 2017 and so eventually, I gave into the hype and picked it up - and oh my, am I glad I did. The brush applicator is completely different to the felt tip nib of the Supercat that I'm used to, but I actually think now, I have come to prefer it. It's super easy to get a precise, crisp wing and the formula is so super pigmented, rich and jet black. It sets down to a sort of satin finish that's neither too glossy, nor too matte and once it's dried down - it ain't going anywhere all day long. It's affordable, does an amazing job and lasts really well - even when using it nearly every day like me. What more could you want, eh? MENTIONED HERE.

SOPH X MAKEUP REVOLUTION EYESHADOW PALETTE - I mean, this just had to be in here somewhere, didn't it? Ever since buying this palette when it was first released a couple of months ago, I have been obsessed. This palette is only £10 - ten pounds - and for that, you get a grand total of 24 shadows - all of which are buttery, super-pigmented, easy to blend with little to no fall-out. The colour selection is amazing - with everything from neutrals, to warmer hues, cool-tones, brights and bolds - it's basically got near to every colour in there you'd ever need. Can you tell I love it yet? It has fast become my favourite, go-to eyeshadow palette and for such an affordable price, I am fo' sho' not complaining... MENTIONED HERE.

BARRY M MATTE ME UP LIQUID LIP PAINTS - Then, another amazing discovery makeup-wise of this year has to be these awesome liquid lips from Barry M. I have tired a lot (and I mean, a lot) of matte liquid lipsticks by now and though I have a lot of favourite formulas - this one has to be one of, if not the best. I picked up a few of the originals, plus some of the lip kits to try out earlier on in 2017 and quickly fell in love. The consistency is super thin and almost-watery, but that in turn makes them so lightweight on the lips and it only takes a matter of seconds of them sitting on the lips before they are fully dried down to a completely matte, powdery finish (my ultimate favourite style of matte lip). They are really pigmented, requiring just one layer to achieve a fully opaque finish and of the wide colour selection on offer, each hue is just as amazing as the next. They do feel a tad drying over time - but hey, what matte liquid lip doesn't? - and that's a small price to pay in my opinion when everything else about these is so super good and they're under a fiver each. Bargainous. I have since picked up basically the entire range and love, love, LOVE every single one. MENTIONED HERE.

NYX BLUSH IN 'TAUPE' - Contour tends to be a part of my makeup that changes the least, product-wise. I tend to use the same thing everyday and it takes a lot for me to find something new that I become obsessed with, want to use all. of. the. darn. time. and basically becomes my everyday staple - but this product from NYX has defied the odds this year to do just that. Though it's deemed a blush in name, I personally picked it up as I'd heard amazing things about it being used as a powder contour and oh my - does it live up to all of the hype. The ashy, slightly purple-toned grey works perfectly for us paler-skinned guys and gals, replicating the natural shadows almost perfectly and adding such a natural (yet also not natural at all) sculpt to the face. The formula is not at all chalky and really easy to blend out and though I've used it pretty consistently nearly all year long, I've yet to even hit pan. Amazing stuffMENTIONED HERE.

RIMMEL MATCH PERFECTION SILKY LOOSE POWDER IN 'TRANSLUCENT' And then last, but certainly by no means least - we have a loose powder. I know, I know. Loose powder never used to be something I've ever used before, but I wanted to finally try and get on the 'baking' hype this year and so invested in a couple to try the whole concept out. I really enjoyed 'baking'- applying a layer of loose powder, leaving it to 'bake' for a while and then dusting off the excess - and over time, came to really enjoy this loose powder in particular. Though it does have an ever-so-slight pinky tone to it, it's still completely translucent and if anything, I actually find that to give a rather nice, brightening effect to the skin - especially for the under-eyes. Other than that, it is completely colourless on the skin and never, ever 'flashes back'. It's super finely-milled and lightweight - even when used for baking - and again, comes in at a really affordable price too. What more could you want? MENTIONED HERE.

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