
Saturday 23 December 2017

LUSH Christmas Haul... #DitsyDecember

It wouldn't be Christmas without a good ol' Festive LUSH Haul, would it? LUSH is a favourite all-year-round, but when Christmas rolls around, it really comes into its own, doesn't it? And, as always, I just couldn't resist picking up a few bits 'n' bobs to see my through the festive season and I figured, why not share them all with you lovely lot? It's fun, it's festive and it's bloomin' awesomely-fragrant too...

First off, I picked up one of my classic, all-time favourites - the 'Butterbear Bath Bomb'. 'Butterball' itself is a permanent feature of LUSH, but the the Butterbear' version has been a long-standing addition to the festive range for years and every time, I can't help but pick one up for myself. A sweet, but not sickly, vanilla-ry scent that's not too overwhelming, nor offensive; but this time shaped into a super-cute teddy bear shape - isn't is so adorable? The scent isn't the most super-festive of them all and it may not create the biggest firework-type display in your tub, but it does also contain a tonne of awesome moisturising skincare benefits and so will surely leave your body feeling all soft, smooth and supple afterwards. What more could you want, eh?

Then, another past favourite that's actually made a reappearance this year, having made a disappearing act last year (boo!) is the Christmas Eve Bubble Bar. As I said, this used to be like part of the furniture when it came to the LUSH Christmas range, until it mysteriously went away this time last year. Much like everyone else, I was pretty upset about it as I'd become quite a big fan it so when I spotted it back where it belongs in this year's line-up, it's safe to say I was rather pleased about it. A gorgeous, fragrant mixture of jasmine and ylang ylang, this makes for the perfect bubbly Christmas bath product for relaxing and chilling out before bed - perhaps even on Christmas Eve, as the name suggests. I think that may just be when I'll be using mine!

Moving onto more of the 'new' items for this year that I picked up - we have the Christmas Sweater Bath Bomb. I spotted this when perusing the shop, gave it a sniff and instantly knew I had to pick it up. Not only does it, from what  can see, turn your bath water a festive, slightly shimmery, deep red and orange hue - scent-wise, this is basically your 'typical', Christmassey fragrance, in my opinion. It's spicy, warming and ever-so-lightly zesty and fruity - and isn't that just what everyone usually associates with this time of year, right? Just as I said that I feel the above might just have to be what I use the night before Christmas, I think this bath bomb might just have to be what I chuck into my tub come Christmas Night...

Another newbie this Christmas, we have the My Two Front Teeth Bubble Bar. And not only is this quite a fun-looking bubble bar, it also smells delicious and kinda reminds me of the Christmas Eve Bubble Bar. It may be scented differently - with lovely lavender and tonka this time - but I feel it's got that same 'calming' concept again down to a tee. Combined with the sweet undertones of vanilla and neroli - it sounds like a complete and utter winner - and I really, again, cannot wait to get my use out of this over the festive season.

Then, finally for this Christmas-themed LUSH Haul - I did say it was only a small handful of items), there's the Snow Fairy Jelly Bomb. Snow Fairy is such a classic for Christmas at LUSH - everyone knows it, most people love it -  and although I have personally never used anything Snow Fairy-tinged myself before, I have given a lot of them, the infamous Shower Gel including, a good sniff in-store before and loved the super-sweet, candyfloss-esque fragrance. So, with that in mind, I thought I'd finally buy something Snow Fairy-related this Christmas. And what better than, what I believe to be, the first bath bomb format? If everything else I'd smelt before Snow Fairy-wise is anything to go by, I am super excited to throw this into my bath-tub one night over Christmas. Bright, barbie-pink; shimmery, super-sweet goodness...

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