
Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas From Dainty Ditsy! #DitsyDecember

It's the 25th December which means it's Christmas Day!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! As always on Christmas Day round these parts, I just wanted to quickly pop by to wish every single one of you a very, Merry Christmas (or, if you don't celebrate Christmas, just a very happy 25th of December)! Obviously, this is all pre-written and scheduled as honestly, ain't nobody got time for doing all that kinda stuff on The Big Day itself - but I still wanted to make sure I posted today. Not only is it part and parcel of Blogmas (or #DitsyDecember in my case) - it is the main event, after all - it's also super important for me to come here to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I really do love and appreciate all of you so, so much and whatever you may be up to today and over the next few days - I do hope you all have a super fun and happy Christmas. I hope all get what you wanted and I really hope all of your dreams and wishes come true - it's super-cringey, but true - and I just wanted to thank you for all of your support and love over this past year, as always. Whether you've simply read a post, commented, shared, tweeted or whatever - thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really cannot say how much it means to me. But, for now - eat, drink and be merry and just generally have a fun time with your loved ones and I will see you bright and early tomorrow (a.k.a. Boxing Day) for a 'regular' #DistyDecember post to carry on the festivities!

All my love,

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