
Friday 23 February 2018

Sheet Mask Haul

If you don't know already - I love, love, LOVE a good sheet mask. Over the past year or so they've fast become one of my favourite, go-to face mask formats for when I want something pampering and relaxing, but most importantly - super-beneficial for my skin too. At first, they were a little more difficult to get your hands on - especially in the drugstore scene - but nowadays, brands seem to be releasing them here, there and everywhere and the other week, I just couldn't help myself and thought I'd stock myself up with some more to try out...

First up - Simple have recently released their very own range of sheet masks and with me continuing to be very impressed with their skincare offerings (their Regeneration Age Resisting Day and Night Creams are still everyday favourites of mine), I figured it more than likely wouldn't be a bad thing if I gave them a go. There's the 'Rich Moisture' Sheet Mask and this one claims to be 'the perfect antidote for dry skin', something I most definitely am the not-so-proud owner of myself. This mask is apparently 'enriched with a blend of botanical extracts and moisturising ingredients to condition dehydrated skin' and I am always looking for anything that supposedly injects my complexion with some much-needed hydration and moisture so *hopefully* this'll provide just that. Then we have the 'Pollution Protect' Sheet Mask'. This time round, this little beauty claims to be - you guessed it - 'the perfect antidote to pollution'. This is infused with a blend of 'antioxidant Vitamin E, Vitamin B3 and Agave Americana to minimise the drying effect of pollution and instantly hydrate skin' so basically, it does a similar job of the mask before, but with an added layer of shielding from all of those potentially damaging effects of the environment. Sounds pretty good, right? Finally, completing the line-up, we have the 'De-Stress Sheet Mask' and once again, theoretically, this does exactly what it says on the tin - being 'the perfect antidote to stressed skin'. This time, this mask's 'infused with agave and skin-loving vitamins to instantly soothe and brighten stressed skin' and I think we can all relate to the potential benefits this mask claims to provide, yeah? I know my skin sometimes is most definitely in need of some good ol' TLC and fingers crossed, this mask may just be the perfect answer. As with all of these variations, I will certainly let you all know how I get on!

Then, we come to the second brand that not-too-long-ago released a whole range of face masks in general - and that is, good ol' Soap and Glory. A wonderful bath and body brand that has over time increasingly expanded into facial skincare - I've tried a couple of products here and there which I've really loved and have also heard many an awesome review of others and so I really fancied giving a couple a try. As it turned out, the two which caught my eye the most in terms of being the most 'up my street' and akin to the type of skincare products I typically go for and suit my skin-type the best were the two sheet masks in the range. Who would've thought it? They are the 'Speed Plump Miracle Moisture Mask' and the 'Bright + Beautiful Radiance-Boosting Mask'. The former hydro-gel mask claims to 'help smooth and hydrate the skin with a blend of super moisturisers, hyaluronic acid plus rose, peony flower root extract and safflower plant extracts'; whilst the latter supposedly 'brightens, refreshes and revives with Vitamin C, special white flower and rooiboos tea extract' - I mean, don't they both sound rather awesome, right? As we've already established, I am a big lover of anything that promises to hydrate and moisturise my skin and I'm also a lover of getting my glow on - so basically, both of these sheet masks are right up my street. As for whether they actually live up to my expectations - only time will tell - but after all, there's only one way to find out and again, I will fo' sho' keep you all in the loop as to how things go. I've definitely got high hopes though...

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