
Friday 13 July 2018

Skipping Primer?

...Facial primer, that is. Cause, let's be honest, we all know I could never forego some form of eye primer to ensure my eye makeup looks bangin' and stays looking that way all day long. However, lately, I've been skipping out on priming my face. I know, I know...

Usually, I religiously prime my face, straight after applying my daily moisturiser and before going in with whatever foundation I'm using that day. It's a bit of a routine, yanno?  But, for some reason, a couple of weeks ago I just didn't apply any primer at all and instead left my day cream to do the work as a base for my foundation and you know what? Nothing bad happened. I carried out the rest of my makeup routine as normal and come the end of application, nothing looked out of sorts. I was totally happy with how my makeup had turned out and both throughout the day, to when it came to taking everything off before bed, things still looked as normal. Basically, if I didn't know, I wouldn't have thought that I didn't apply any primer before my foundation that day.

As you perhaps imagine, I was a little 'shook' by this. For so long, I've always, always applied face primer before going in with my foundation and yet, maybe I didn't need to after all? Or at least, I could perhaps forgo it sometimes and still have my makeup turn out and - most importantly - last just as well. It's a bit of a game-changer, right? So, ever since I've hardly applied face primer before carrying on with the rest of my makeup. As I said, obviously I still prime my eyes, every single day (as I definitely couldn't go without that) but in terms of the ol face, most days I've just been using my day cream as a base and it's been working out just fine. I'm sure this will all change before long and I'll be firmly back on the face primer bandwagon, but for now, I'm enjoying switching my routine up a little...

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