
Monday 24 December 2018

A Spot Of Christmas Baking... #DitsyDecember

This time last year during #DitsyDecember, you may remember I did this post here where I did some good ol' festive baking, using Tanya Burr's 'Tanya's Christmas'. And not only was the finished result really rather yummy, it was also super fun to do and a great way to really get into the Christmas spirit a couple of days before The Big Day itself. So, I knew I wanted to do it all again - just, with a different recipe. And though I had a good look through that same book for something else to make, eventually I decided on something else. A recipe, again from another Blogger/YouTuber, that I saw circulate the Internet a few years back and have been super eager to make myself - Lily Pebbles' 'Brookies'...

Brookies (Makes 72 - but can be easily scaled up or down as you like!):
20 minutes prep time, plus 10 minutes cooking time

85g cocoa powder
400g caster sugar
125ml vegetable oil
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
250g plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
60g icing sugar

Mix together the cocoa powder, caster sugar and vegetable oil in a medium bowl. Beat in the eggs on at a time, before stirring in the vanilla extract. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and salt and then combine with the cocoa powder mixture. Cover your dough with cling film and leave it to chill in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours. Preheat your oven to 180C/Gas Mark 4 and line baking trays with baking parchment. Pour some icing sugar onto a small plate and using a spoon, scoop and roll the mixture into 2.5cm balls, coating each one in the icing sugar and then placing onto the prepared trays. Bake for 10-12 minutes and once done, leave to stand on the tray for a minute or so before transferring onto wire racks to cool!

I'm so, so happy with how these came out. After so long of wanting to try them out for myself - but I most definitely think they were worth the wait, right? The perfect chocolatey treat for Christmas Day...


  1. I enjoy Christmas baking too, it’s so fun and festive! These look awesome by the way, thanks for sharing. I love Tanya Burr and Lily Pebbles too. I recently made mince pies and gingerbread men shaped scones. Have a great Christmas! :-) xx

    Helen | Helen’s Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you so much! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a very happy New Year! Xx
