
Sunday 21 December 2014

6 Things I've Learnt Since Starting Dainty Ditsy... #DitsyDecember

With my first year (or technically four months) as the writer of Dainty Ditsy coming to a close, and a new year in our reach, I thought I'd share a few things (6 to be exact - my favourite/lucky number) I've picked up and learnt from since that fateful day back in August when I clicked the 'Publish' button on this post.

  1. The beauty community is a darn awesome place to be. Of course before starting this blog I was an avid reader/watcher of beauty blogs and YouTube channels, and enjoyed the content both mediums produced. However, since actually starting Dainty Ditsy I've found myself to feel such a bigger part of it, whether it's through interacting with fellow bloggers or readers of my blog on Twitter or responding to people's thoughts in the comments. I find I discover more - whether that be a fab new product or a fab new blog - and have a general greater understanding of the online beauty community on a more personal level (shit just got deep).
  2. It doesn't matter if you have a week off occasionally. When I started blogging I decided on a schedule of Monday's, Wednesday's and Fridays. I stuck with it for a while before sixth form and life in general got in the way and I was finding it hard to get three posts ready every week. I missed one post, which then turned into three - one week - and whilst at first I felt bad, I found once I came back I was refreshed and ready to go and I haven't took a break since. Breaks are a good thing. Which leads me onto my next point...
  3. Organisation is key. I've always been a fairly organised person but ever since blogging I've truely realised how key it is in order to keep everything running as it should. I mentioned how ever since coming back from my break I haven't done so since and I think a heightened interest in organisation may just be one of the reasons why. Hootsuite is now my new best friend (if you don't know what this is or have never used it and are also a blogger, it will change your life).
  4. Numbers aren't everything. As of now I've got just under 40 followers and have been blogging for just under four months, averaging at just under 10 new followers a month. To some this may seem rapid progress, to others it may seem small. I've resolved not to worry so much as I did to begin with. Obviously in the blogging world there'll be people with larger followers than me, and there'll also be people with smaller followings than me. But you've also got to think about other factors, such as how long they've been blogging and how they've acquired their audience. Not everyone's blog is the same and neither is everyone's journey they have with their blog.
  5. Blog photography is much more difficult than you may think. I've always had an interest in photography since I was younger so by now roughly know my way around a camera and how to take half-decent photos. Obviously I was by no means expecting taking blog pictures to be easy-peasy, but I perhaps underestimated how much thought goes into the process and how it's not as simple as just arranging your product(s) on a nice background and snapping away. There's the issue of them moving about (blue tack is also your new best friend) and trying to find new and unique ways of conveying your post topic photographically without it simply looking as if you've taken the same photo three hundred times with different items.
  6. Just enjoy it! I have to stress this as probably the most important thing to be learnt from blogging of them all. Have fun with it! It's your own personal space on the internet where you're completely free to be who you want to be and say what you want to say to be sure to embrace that as much as you can.

Are you a fellow blogger? What have you discovered since making the jump into the world of blogging?

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