
Sunday 14 December 2014

Beauty Reminders To Myself #4 #DitsyDecember

I thought for Blogmas I'd do another 'Beauty Reminders', which I'm sure you're all familiar with now (if not my previous posts can be found here), only this time with a festive twist. With the party season coming up, to many it is considered the time to look your 'best'. Really taking your time with hair and makeup, making yourself look extra special for all the photos that'll be taken and no doubt uploaded to Facebook the next day. It's time when things can get stressful and important steps are missed out. So with that in mind, what am I reminding myself of this time round?

Today I'm asking myself to stay with what I know. Don't go trying that new foundation you've never used before on New Years Eve. Don't try and make that eyeshadow that you know doesn't suit you work just so it looks a bit different. Don't choose now to decide to not use a lip liner. I know we all say how we should experiment more with makeup looks and shouldn't let ourselves get in a rut, but now is probably not the best time to try out the blue eyeliner. Just stay with what you know.

Are any of you 'reminding' yourselves of anything this festive period? Are you too guilty of straying from what you know works for you?

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