
Saturday 13 December 2014

Favourite Festive Flicks #DitsyDecember

It's not Christmas without some serious TV viewing and today I thought I'd give a shout out to some of the films 'n' festive specials I like to watch religiously over Christmas, regardless of what the TV schedule may be.
Elf. Now this has be my most watched/treasured Christmas film of. all. time. I remember when I first watched this when it came out in the cinema (about 10 years now - cray cray) and I loved it then and I still do now. It's become one of those that I've watched so many times I almost know the entire script off by heart and could happily sit for ages quoting random parts - "Buddy the Elf, what's your favourite colour?" - and not get bored. I know lots of other people also cite this as their favourite festive film and have also watched it numerous times. If you've never seen this, firstly - why? Secondly - I seriously recommend you do.
The Grinch. I only bought this last year so this is more of a recent addition, though I still love it. It's another humorous offering - noticing a pattern here? - and whilst I may not have watched it as many times as Elf, I can definitely see it becoming another 'Could Sit And Quote It All Day' films if I did.
Nativity (1, 2, 3 etc). Yes, I know what you're thinking. But April, this is a proper kids film, surely? And you would be right. All of them are very family-appropriate but this one even more so, and maybe that's why I love it. Like most Christmas films it's got one of those slightly-cheesy-but-heart-warming plots and is very family-friendly which is really all you want at this time of year.
Now we're moving onto Christmas Specials and I have several that I love and watch every single darn year without fail. I cannot not mention Mr Bean. This comedy has been a staple in my life pretty much since I was a young'un and again I could quote most episodes but if I had to rank them in order to preference, the Christmas one would actually come out on top. It's probably the most recognisable - who doesn't remember the turkey? - and it never fails to make me laugh.
Finally - and I feel we're saving the best till last here - Miranda. Now, I'm not sure if I've documented my feelings towards this sitcom before on Dainty Ditsy (something tells me I haven't) so I'm try to keep it brief. In short - I'm a huge, huge fan of Miranda. I've watched all three series' multiple times and the Christmas specials are no exception. With recent news that it is soon to be no more (#majorsob) but that there's a two-parter festive finale in the midst this season, I'll be consoling myself by watching all of them. No jokes.
So there we have some of my top films and specials that I like to crack out every time the festive season rolls around. As I said, some of these are long-timers, some recent additions, so it's a possibility that by next year I'll have found some new ones to add to my 'must-watch-repeatedly-every-Christmas' list. If I have, I'll be sure to let you know...

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