
Wednesday 17 December 2014

Empties #2 #DitsyDecember

The time has come again for me to unveil the contents of my beauty bin and do a little show-and-tell whilst giving some mini reviews along the way. Of course - it's 'Empties' time. You may have seen my do my first ever post in this style a while back (which I will link here), and ever since I hit 'Publish' on that and later threw all aforementioned products in an actual bin, I've been re-collecting again with Empties #2 in mind. So without further ado, here we go...

Firstly I have one item that I actually also included in Empties #1, but I thought I'd throw it in there anyway. These are the Tesco Double Faced Cotton Pads, which as I mentioned in the first post, I use for any makeup removal and subsequent cleansing/toning skincare steps. I go through these around every 3 weeks-ish so it's no surprise I've finished another pack up and have another already on the go. Now, onto the new empties...
Benefit It's Potent Eye Cream - This was a sample I got from one of Benefit's sample-sized collections that I picked up and I really love it. Of course, as with any skincare item, you're never really gonna be completely certain of how good it performs until 20, 30, 40 etc. years down the line when you're hopelessly counting your wrinkles in your mirror. But for the moment, I really enjoyed using this and whilst I may not rush our to buy the full-sized, would bear it in mind for a future purchase.
Soap & Glory Smoothie Star Breakfast Scrub - This is a body scrub which really gets the job done, but if I'm completely honest, I love this equally as much for the smell as for its dead-skin-removal properties. This stuff smells a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I'm awful at describing scents, so rather than boring you with attempting to explain just how good this smells, the only thing I would say is that, if near a Soap and Glory stand, go and give this a sniff. I would honestly eat it straight out of the tub if I could. Mmmmm.
Collection Supersize Mascara - Yet another mascara. Yes, I know. I find I always come back to this one. It was one of the first mascaras I ever used back in the day when my budget was fairly non-existent/low and while I may now have more money available to spend, if I'm in need of a new mascara and haven't got a clue which one to opt for (since I'm quite the mascara whore yanno), I come back to this. I loved it then and I still love it now. I may have found some which are slightly better since my love affair with this began, but it still does a good job of lengthening, volumising without things getting too clumpy.

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer - Another Collection item, and what has to be my favourite drugstore multi-purpose concealer. I used to use this for everything and whilst I've since found it's perhaps better used on facial blemishes as opposed to under the eyes, I still love it for what it's best at and you'd rarely find me using anything else. I've already started on my next tube.
Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Concentrated Cream - I love this cocoa butter in general for overall skincare, and it works equally well in this format as a hand cream. Deeply moisturising, but easily absorbed into the skin so it doesn't leave your tips feeling sticky, I always wake up in the morning with soft, supple digits when I've used this. I'm not very fussy usually when it comes to hand creams, but I'd definitely give this one a whirl again.

Boots Conditioning Nail Polish Remover Pads - I bought these a few months ago with my upcoming holiday in mind when I wanted a way of removing any nail polish without needing to transport a whole bottle of remover which was liable top go everywhere. I used these and found them to be great at getting the job done quickly and easily. I wouldn't necessarily use these all the time, as with the alternative of liquid remover in mind, I find these to leave a slight residue on your nails and you needing to give them a wash afterwards. Instead I think these are best suited solely for times of travel when the normally better alternative doesn't work as well practically in the situation.
Got2B Guardian Angel Heat Defence Spray - I mentioned this in one of my first posts here on Dainty Ditsy, where I hauled this exact bottle and here it is, in #DitsyDecember, finished and ready to say goodbye. Ah, the life of beauty bumf. I explained in the haul post about this item and how it's a regular repurchase fore me as one of my favourite heat defence products, so I won't rabble on again. This is again one of those 'won't-really-know-if-it-works-till-later' products, so I can't obviously give a completely accurate description of how this works or if it even works, but I trust that it does a good job in that a). it leaves my hair feeling soft after blowdrying and b). it smells amazing. Come on, that counts, right?

So there we have another Empties post, done and dusted. I will now, as I did with Empties #1, go and find a proper means of disposal for all these empty items and eagerly wait till one of my many other lotions and potions squeezes out its last drop so I can start this whole process again, all for Empties #3...

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