
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Finally Jumping On The Soap And Glory Makeup Bandwagon

I'll hold my hands up - before this week I'd never owned any Soap and Glory makeup. Sure, I'd tried many an item from their extensive bodycare line, but I'd never really got round going across the beauty pond and sampling the goods from their cosmetics stand. This isn't to say I'd never thought about it though - the collective mass rave I was frequently met with every time a makeup product of theirs popped up in a blogpost or YouTube video was enough to edge me closer to the inevitable. And that was exactly what happened just this week when said inevitable became a reality. I bought a couple of items and here I am, telling you all about it. You've most likely already heard about them as they kind cult classics from the brand that pretty much everyone and their dog has already tried, and I guess that is exactly why I too bought them. Sometimes you just gotta believe the hype, eh? 
The first product I picked up was their bronzer - the Solar Powder. I've heard way too many glowing reports about this stuff for me to not pick it up. I'd say I'm holding Lily highly accountable for this buy though, as she has to be one of its biggest fans - constantly raving about it at every opportunity, using it in pretty much all her tutorials and citing it her 'Top Bronzer' in her 2014 Faves. Many others later seem to have jumped on its bronzey bandwagon and so here I am doing so too. I loved the look of this whenever it appeared in photos or videos and love the concept of being able to control the level of pigment and tone you get from your bronzer just by the way you swirl your brush. The compact has two sides - a lighter, honey-toned bronzer; and a darker, more traditional bronzer. Having a pale day/week/month/year? Swirl more in the pale side or just use the pale side all together. Blessed with a more coloured complexion, real or fake? You guessed it - swirl your brush more in the dark side or simply use the darker pigment alone. It really does work for everyone, though I'd say it is a definite must for us pale gals.

I then picked up yet another cult classic that is the Archery brow pencil. Again, I've heard way too much good stuff on the grapevine about this little beauty for me to bypass the chance of picking up my own so I eventually caved. I picked up the shade 'Hot Chocolate', as the only other colour, 'Blondshell', looked way too light for me as even though I have blonder hair now, my natural colour veers more on the brown end of the spectrum and so too do my brows. I was initially unsure of the darker shade, as I'd seen so many others use this colour who had darker brows that mine, but upon swatching it on the back of my hand against my current pencil - the L'Oreal Brow Artiste - I only noticed it to be slightly darker so I'm giving it a go!

So that just about wraps up my first foray into the world of Soap and Glory makeup! I'm sure if these two go down well they'll no doubt be a review in the works and possibly more items will be added to my shopping list, so if you've got any other recommendations aside from these two, please do be sure to let me know!

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