
Monday 9 February 2015

How To Get The Most Out Of Drugstore Beauty Shopping

Today I thought I'd write a post I've been thinking of doing ever since I came out of Boots one day recently (yes, again) with a bulging bag and yet having saved almost as much as I ended up paying for and it got me thinking just what the magic formula is of how to shop at the drugstore - be it Boots or Superdrug - and how to do it effectively (a.k.a. come out having saved so much money you've basically committed daylight robbery). I'm also planning on hopefully making this a sequel and next week comin' at ya with tips on how to beauty shop online, but for now, let's talk drugstore haulin'...

Come prepared. As you're actually going out to beauty shop and not doing it from the comfort of your own sofa, think beforehand about just what you're thinking of buying (I know it doesn't always go that way - been there, got the 'Obsessive Hauler' t-shirt) and come prepared. Maybe take some photos on your phone or some products or swatches, or even bring them along with you so you can do some real-life comparison before you part with your hard-earned cash.

Take your time. Similar to the above, but they kinds go hand-in-hand. By coming prepared, you've also gotta be prepared to spend some serious time in there, most definitely if a haul is on your mind. By taking your time you're allowing yourself to really relax - the best purchases are never made in a bad mind-set - and peruse around the aisles, swatching and sampling as you go. Taking your time means emerging a good hour half an hour later fully happy with what you picked up and also feeling you got your money's worth in terms of deals, vouchers etc.

Swatch, swatch, swatch. I mentioned it above, but I feel this kinds needs its own point in itself, as it's probably one of the more obvious. The primary luxury of shopping in-store rather than online is of course the countless opportunities to swatch, spray and generally test things out. Rather than online where unless you've perhaps previously swatched in-store it's a bit of a gamble as to whether you'll actually like it, in-store you can really go to town and basically swatch all the way up to your elbow if you're in the mood for it. Just remember to take a makeup wipe (or five) with you.

Loyalty cards are your new best friends. Get a Boots Advantage Card and/or a Superdrug Beauty card (if you haven't already) and your life will change. Fact. You can collect points on your beauty hauls which you can then use as either full or part payment towards some more goodies when you've accumulated enough - as I'm sure you're already aware. Ultimately, you feel far less guilty when you stagger to the tills to see you've built up some more points or (even better) you've got just enough to cover your latest splurge. Hauls that you don't have to pay a single penny for a fo sho the best type of hauls. 

Look in the drawers! Now, for those who have never done this before, this one may at first seem a little strange, but hear me out. When I first started shopping in the drugstore, I always assumed the drawers at the bottom of the stands were strictly for the staff only and out of us customers' bounds. But, after hearing a few bloggers talking about 'rummaging about in the drawers' to find a product that wasn't in stock in the actual stand, I gave it a go one time when I was sure no assistants were lurking and was pleasantly surprised to find so many products that appeared to be out of stock that were actually hidden inside! If you're next at the drugstore and the product you want isn't in the place it should be - have a sneaky peek in the drawers and you may just find it.

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