
Monday 9 March 2015

My Nakd Obsession

Hopefully you've not misread this post title and construed it to be something completely different. It's definitely Nakd, not Naked. I thought I'd write this post today as a little diversion from my usual beauty-related posts, and instead offer up something more about lifestyle, particularly food choices, and how one may have just turned into a little addiction of mine.

I'll admit it. I'm addicted (or at least very close to becoming addicted) to Nakd bars. I thought about this the other day and concluded that there must be far worse things I could be obsessed with, so whilst this may not conjure up quite the level of embarrassment, it's an obsession nonetheless. So I'm writing this post both to express just how I feel about these little bars of joy, and also possibly as an indicator for those of you who may be currently trying to eat a little bit healthier.

Up until around a year and a half ago, I didn't really care much about what I ate. I was by no means overweight or unhappy with my weight, but it came to a point when Prom was up and coming that I felt I needed to make a few changes to my diet. They were nothing drastic, I just evaluated everything I ate and thought about how I could change it to make it more of a heath-conscious option. I don't want to ramble too much about this as it'd become a totally different type of post. I started noticing a difference and felt less bloated and lethargic and I have over this time actually lost a little bit of weight (but like I said, I was within the right weight for my body shape anyway before I started so for me this was just a bonus).

Over this time I've become converted to many a healthier option; whether it be bananas instead of chocolate bars, muesli instead of Nutella on toast, rice cakes instead of biscuits. But my discover of Nakd bars recently this year has by far been the best 'health food' discovery I've made as of yet. I picked one up one day when in Boots as I'd heard of them and was intrigued as to what they were like. In short, I loved it and have tried many from the range since.

If you've never heard of Nakd bars before, they are simply a fruit and nut bar. Think of some dried fruits and nuts, smoosh them together - and you've got yourself a Nakd bar. And that's basically it. Maybe a bit of natural flavouring here and there, but they're pretty clean if you compare them to your standard snack you could reach for. They're gluten free, vegetarian/vegan friendly and count as one of your 5 a day. Result! Their high fibre content also mean they pack a serious punch when it comes to filling you up, so when you've had one of these you're pretty much sorted for until your next meal.

I could go on for ages about how much I those these things, but I'll spare you an even longer ramble and instead simply conclude with one piece of advice. Go to your nearest supermarket or health food store and pick one of these up. You won't regret it...

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