
Wednesday 18 March 2015

Polish Pick: Two New Gelly Effects From Barry M

No idea why the colour looks so much more grey-toned in the bottle! Darn lighting. The nail swatch above is much more realistic as to how it actually looks in real life.

Another Polish Pick post for you lovely lot this morning - two in one month? Wus gorn onnn? As promised it's featuring the final two polishes out of the four I picked up for my last 'New In At The Drugstore' post - linked here. Barry M have added to their Gelly line - both with some new shades to their existing line-up and a top coat proclaiming to give any polish you fancy the same hi-shine effect.

I picked up the blue shade out of the three of their SS15 Collection they've released - 'Sky Blue' - a pale baby blue colour, would you believe it. However, I'm notoriously fussy when it comes to pastel shades, more often than not I finding them to be a tad too light for my liking and when it comes to them being road tested on my beds usually results in a scream of terror (ok, maybe not that extreme, but still) and an immediate dash for the nail polish remover. Despite this problem, I still picked this up as to me, under those awfully shocking store lights, it appeared to have just the right amount of pigment to it. Once painted on a great sigh of relief followed as it really does fill everything I look for in a pastel nail shade. The shade is an utter beaut - the perfect pale blue with the tiniest hint of green to it that makes it appear slightly turquoise in some lights, and being not too pale manages to really perk up your nails rather than wash them out. The colour applied evenly in two coats - another thing I was worried about due to the experience with my last paler Gelly shade - and as always, the finish was so shiny you could almost see your face in your own nails. So far - so good.

I then wanted to trial the new 'Plumpy' top coat, which as far as I could see was a clear version of their standard Gelly shades so could either be applied on top of another Gelly to really amp up the shine even more, or to a standard polish to give the 'Gelly' effect. The first thing I noticed was the brush. Unlike the normal Gelly shades with a small, thin applicator, this had portably my favourite brush variant - large, flat and wide - something I always find makes the whole process so much easier. Why is this not on all the Gelly polishes? Hopefully this may be a sign of an impending upgrade? Who knows. This applied quickly and easily - the brush depositing just the right amount in all the right places and the finish drying down to give an even glossier finish to my nails.

Two new Gelly effects from Barry M - tried, tested, thumbs up. I can certainly foresee these being regular features on my beds over the coming months...


  1. never seen the plump one before, will definitely be looking out for it. love the blue colour! <3 xx

    1. Both of these polishes are new additions to the range so I expect that'd be why! I'd definitely recommend both - the top coat's kept my polish even more shiny and long-lasting and the blue is just all kinds of stunning! xx
