
Friday 13 March 2015

The Best Of Dainty Ditsy (100th Post!)

This post marks my 100th on this 'ere blog of mine - can ya believe it?! I certainty can't, that's for sure. So, as my own way of marking this occasion, I thought I'd sit here and list some of my personal highlights from the last one hundred posts I've hit 'Publish' on. Ready? Let's take a trip down memory lane...
  1. A Cheeky Feel Unique Haul... - Now you may well be wondering why I've chosen this as my earliest favourite post as on the surface it may seem nothing particularly stand-out, but if I'm honest I'm just really happy with the photography I used for it. It must've just been one of those 'good photography days' when my order arrived and I picked up my camera, and I remember at the time I was chuffed with the result and I still am now (hence why I later used said photo again in the second of the posts linked below).
  2. 'Clearing Out Your Collections' posts (linked here and here) - I really enjoyed doing both of these posts and really liked sharing systems that I always find to work well for me when I'm clearing out either my nail polish or makeup stashes. I know these types of 'advice' posts are sometimes my favourite as I love hearing of how people go about doing certain things in their beauty routine, or even more lifestyle-themed topics, so I'm chuffed if mine came in handy for even just one of you!
  3. Our Community and The Zoella Beauty Launch - This was a slightly different post to what I'd write before at that point, as it discussed a topic wholly-centred on blogging itself and how the likes of Zoella and Tanya Burr have transformed it into something that is to some regarded as a way of life. I remember never planning this post but just sitting at my computer for about half an hour typing away until this post was born and I'm really happy with how it turned out.
  4. #MakeupBrushWeek and #BeautyHacksWeek - These were my two '#' theme weeks I've done so far ('theme weeks' - feel like I'm on The X Factor, not gonna lie), where I took a topic of beauty - in this case makeup brushes and general beauty tips and tricks - and stretched it out into a week of three posts centred around it. I liked the experience of really expanding on what I wanted to talk about rather than having to condense it down into a short 'one hit wonder' post and hopefully that allowed me to go into more depth, so rather than just talking about my general favourite makeup brushes, I instead split it into two categories - 'Face' and 'Eyes'. I'm looking into doing another one or two of these over the rest of this year so keep a lookout for those!
  5. #DitsyDecember - This by far has to be my favourite, favourite highlight of Dainty Ditsy so far. In this I took the traditional 'Blogmas' concept for the last month of 2014 and instead ran with it was something I personally dubbed '#DitsyDecember' - where I posted every single day throughout the entirety of December up until the 25th, after which I resumed my standard schedule to the New Year. I'm really proud of both sticking at the post-a-day thing for (almost) a whole month and for the standard I managed to achieve in the actual posts. there's not one I'm not as pleased with, something I was worried might happen posting every day. #DitsyDecember will most definitely be making a comeback come the end of this year!
  6. 'Loves and Lusts' series (so far) - Again, another series I've introduced as part of this blog, and one I thought of at the start of 2015 when I decided I wanted to start doing monthly favourite type posts, but put my own spin on it. I was unsure just how I could, then I had the idea of combining it with another post idea I had - Beauty Wishlists - and making 'Loves and Lusts' to be dropped at the last post of every month. I'm really pleased with how it's been going so far and hopefully I can stick with it for at least until the end of this year!
  7. Tried and Tested: Rimmel Salon Pro Nail Polish Range - Another one that might seem a random one, but again I'm really pleased with the photography of this one. I originally took the nail swatches for individual Polish Pick posts and then decided to actually just do one centred on the whole range, so I feel like the time it took to actually hit 'Publish' really paid off as I managed to feature each shade as it appears on my nails, something I feel makes for a better post that's more in-depth and hopefully for you guys, more useful.
  8. How To Get The Most Out Of Beauty Shopping (linked here and here) - This was another 'advice' style post I ran, where I talked my tips for shopping in the drugstore for beauty, and also online. As with the 'Clearing Out Your Collections' posts I enjoyed sharing my own tips and tricks and making use again of that same photo I used for the Feel Unique post - good photo days don't happen everyday, yanno...
  9. New In At The Drugstore: Spring - This was an idea I had a while ago when perusing Boots one (of the many) times and spotted a tonne of new stuff amongst the standard bits and bobs. I was also further inspired by a couple of my fave bloggers making their own 'New In' videos so eventually I decided to go in, haul a load of the newbies, bring 'em home with me and offload the goss onto you lot. I was really pleased with the finished result and am thinking of making this a seasonal thing so come a few months time you can keep your eyes out for another NIATD (probably not the catchiest of acronyms).
  10. Beauty Brand Favourites: Barry M - Probably my personal favourite 'Beauty Brand Favourites' post so far, talking about one of my favourite things - nail polish - and one of my favourite brands that do it best.

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