
Wednesday 4 November 2015

Beauty Brand Favourites: L'Oreal

It's that time again for me to talk one of my favourite beauty brands for one entire post, giving you the lowdown on five of my top products from their range as we go. If you've missed any of the other posts in this style, I will link them up here for you to go and have a peruse if you fancy it. Ready for another makeup-related edition? Let's get into it...

Studio Line Hot Straight Spray - This is probably the most recent addition to the line-up of L'Oreal loves, but I really do love this stuff. I spoke about it in more detail in this post if you fancy giving that a gander, but in summary - it's the perfect heat protectant spray. It does what it says on the tin (supposedly - it's always hard to truly tell with heat defence products), plus is leaves my hair super shiny and sleek, ready for the next step of the styling process. Double win.

True Match Concealer in 'Vanilla' - Moving onto makeup, and again I didn't really fall in love with this stuff too long ago, but on days when I'm either completely out of my HG Lasting Perfection one (usually unheard of, but it happens sometimes) or I simply fancy a change from the norm - I crack this out and am always impressed. It's rather more yellow in tone than the Collection one so works great for cancelling out those dreaded under-eye circles and it also does a good job generally round the rest of the face too. The consistency is really creamy and so easy to blend it almost disappears into the skin, leaving behind the coverage without any thick cakey-ness. It'd definitely give this a look the next time you're in Boots if I was you.

Brow Artiste Eyebrow Pencil in 'Blonde' - Onto my fo' sho ultimate fave of this whole group of products. I try not to pick 'favourite' favourites, but I feel this one just has to take that title this time round for the sheer commitment I have to it. I use it every single day and my brows would quite literally not be the same without it. You've most likely already heard me ramble on about this pencil before in a post somewhere as I've been using it for ages, but if you haven't... this pencil is perfect for the front of my brows for definition without looking too harsh, so teams up brilliantly with my Soap and Glory Archery, which I use then towards the ends of my brows for more of a darker, precise finish. Love, love, LOVE.

Infallible Lip Liner in 'Always Toasted' - Finally, onto lips and again I've been using this for quite some time but unfortunately a few weeks back when I came to repurchase another, I couldn't find it anywhere on the shelves (I think I wrote about this in a post somewhere). I've searched high and low online and everywhere says it's 'Out of Stock' so I'm presuming they've discontinued it *wails uncontrollably*. So I was thinking not to include this one as you guys wont be able to get your hands on it, but seeing as it is one of my favourite products from L'Oreal, I can't go without mentioning it so apologies in advance that I'm being a little bit of a tease! Anyway, back onto the topic in hand and this pencil has to come under one of my top lip pencils. Its the perfect 'MLBB'-type nude shade and matches up to my natural lip colour almost perfectly, but just adding that little bit more pinky-brown to the equation to make things look a lot more defined if used solely around the lips, or much fuller if coloured in all over. I literally cannot describe my sadness that it's seemingly gone for good. Maybe L'Oreal may well see this post (unlikely) and have a change of heart - let's all hope so!

Colour Riche Exclusive Lipsticks - Second in the lips category are this range of lipsticks that I love. The whole premise of these, which I'm sure you know already, is that L'Oreal take a few well-known celebs and create a perfect shade of lipstick for each of those people to hopefully aid us in knowing which shade of a colour may suit us the best! To date there's been a Nude, Red and Pink collection and I have to say I love them all. It's so refreshing to be presented with a selection of shades of a particular colour as opposed to just one or two and I do believe their theory works. The lipsticks themselves are also really lovely - creamy with a nice satin-like finish that's comfortable and wears well. The only slight downfall? The slightly Granny-like smell (which I don't personally mind too much, but I know others do) - so that's perhaps something to consider. Other than that, do you need some help finding your perfect lipstick shade? Look no further...

And that just about concludes yet another Beauty Brand Favourites! As always, if there are any other beauty-based brands you fancy me covering at some point in the future under this title (as long as I do have enough faves within it to warrant a post), please do give me a shout!


  1. I love the Color Riche lipsticks, Jennifer's Nude is my favorite!

    xx, A Little Dose of Makeup
