
Friday 13 November 2015

Empties #9

Ready for another round of Empties? I'm sure you know the deal by now - if not, be sure to check out here to read up on all the previous posts of this style I've done before. I have quite a few products to get through this time, so have decided to only include new empty products (much like my 'A Few New Empties' post here, but featuring more items) as that list alone was so large that if I'd have included products that have already been featured somewhere in an Empties post before aswell, this post would be never-ending! So without further ado, let's get started...
Zoella Beauty 'Scrubbing Me Softly' Smoothing Body Scrub - Starting off with bodycare, this scrub got the big thumbs up from me. I wasn't particularly expecting much from Zoe's products at first if I'm honest, but from the ones I have tried I'm really impressed so far. This is a really nice, gentle scrub and manages to not be overly hash yet still do a brilliant job of getting all the dead stuff on my limbs (eugh). The formula is really thick and creamy and feels really hydrating on the skin - something not typically found in a body scrub - and the smell gets the balance just right between being comforting, but not too sickly-sweet and still quite fresh at the same time. Love this stuff and would happily repurchase again.

Soap and Glory 'Sugar Crush' Body Spray - More on the fragrance and body front, and this I really enjoyed using. I love this range in particular anyway, so when I saw they'd brought a body mist out under the same sweet and citrusy scent, I was very pleased and immediately threw on in my basket (as I'm sure I told you about in a haul sometime ago). And after using it all up till its very last drop, I can confirm it is love. Think the 'Sugar Crush' fragrance but in body spray-form and you get this. Not too sickly, not too tangy - just the perfect mix between the two - and the scent really lingers for some time aswell.

OGX Weightless Hydration Coconut Water Weightless Hydration Shampoo and Conditioner - Onto haircare and these two certainly fall into the 'Love' category for me. Again I'm sure they've cropped up before in a post on here somewhere, but if you haven't hard me ramble on about this range before, I'll try and summarise it briefly for you. Suffering from dry and damaged hair that's in desperate need of hydration as often as possible; these work really well in tackling those issues and leaving my hair really well moisturised, sleek and shiny without being weighed-down at all like it can tend to when using more intensive formulas. Highly recommend if you're in the same boat as me when it comes to your hair.

Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes Shampoo - When it comes to having artificial-blonded hair, purple shampoo really is a must and this was the first one I tried and I did quite like it. I did find for the price it didn't perhaps perform such instant results as I was hoping it would, but it still did leave a noticeable effect on the lighter sections of my hair over the time I was using it. However, having started to use the PRO:VOKE one as its replacement, I definitely think I will be using that one from now on, considering how much stronger and pigmented it is... and cheaper too!

St Ives Gentle Apricot Facial Scrub - Moving swiftly onto the topic of skincare and this is my personal favourite face scrub of choice. I have heard many a good thing about exfoliating pads that use employ a chemical method to get all the dead and dirty stuff off your face, but for now I still like the manual ones and I know my skin does too (it's a rather sensitive soul). This one I've been using and loving basically since I got into skincare and I've already cracked open another tube of it as I enjoy it so much. Plus it just seems to last, and last and last.

Simple Kind To Skin Vital Vitamin Day and Night Creams - These were a new pairing for me to try as replacements for my previous faves from the Nivea Sensitive range (as I'm sure I also documented in a post on here somewhere too!) and after using them both up to their very last drop, I can confirm they're pretty alight indeed. I have to admit that I have bought another of the Nivea duos to go in their place as I do think they have the slight edge over these two from Simple for me and my skin personally, but if you're looking for a new day and night cream that's uber-gentle and really nourishing on your skin - definitely have a gander at these next time you're in Boots.

The Pro Hygiene Collection Makeup Brush Cleaner - Finally we have a tool-related empty item and one that I definitely am a fan of and have already got another on the go as we speak. This, combined with the Dr Bronner Magic Soap, is all I use brush cleansing-wise and together they make  great pairing. The Magic Soap I like to use for my more 'deep cleanse', whereas this one from The Pro Hygiene Collection is a great one for 'spot cleaning' all my smaller brushes or simply the ones that don't wash up particularly well with the soap and water method. Highly, highly recommend!

And there we have another round of Empties! I cannot believe we are almost at the tenth edition of this post now - I guess I must go through a lot more than I think I do, eh...

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