
Thursday 3 December 2015

Christmas Shopping Tips 'n' Tricks #DitsyDecember

Ahh, the joys of Christmas shopping. I say 'joys', but I think we all know what I really mean. If there's one thing I dislike about this whole time of year, it has to be the prospect of hunting down 'perfect' pressies that your family and friends are just going to love; whilst also battling against everyone else who also has that task facing them. It's just not fun - everyone agree? The only plus is the end result when you have a group of gifts that you're really pleased with and hopefully your loved ones will be equally chuffed about too. So, with the final countdown on for festive present-buying, what better time than for me to drop by with a few handy tips and tricks as to how I try and make the situation that little bit less stressful... 
START EARLY - I think this personally has to be the tip I find works the best for me when it comes to Christmas shopping. Obviously the timing of this post perhaps doesn't allow so much for this; but ideally I like to begin thinking, planning and having a gander at potential gifts around the beginning of November when I finally feel it's acceptable to think about the big C word (no, not that one). Not only does this give you lots of time to get things sorted, but also helps the bank balance by not having to buy everything all at once. Sweet.
PLAN, PLAN, PLAN - Following on from my previous point, I like to really plan everything to the fine details when it comes to this area of shopping. Obviously if you follow my above suggestion you'll have time for this to take place before any shopping itself is actually done and I feel it really serves you well in the long-run, as good preparation means your shopping will be more efficient and hopefully take up less of your time. Before you know it you'll be sitting back watching everyone panic-purchasing a week before The Big Day and you can rest assured that yours is all done and dusted.
SPREAD IT OUT - I have kinda mentioned this in passing in the above two points, but as a stand-alone suggestion I think it's a good one to go by. Imagine that you've begun this whole process quite early off, and not too long later you feel you've planned as much as you can and are ready to actually do the deed and get the presents bought. You should still have some time before Father Christmas comes to pay a visit, and so I feel it's really essential to remember to spread it all out. Not only is this much more of a relaxed approach, but (like I said earlier) it also allows your bank balance to take a breather every now and again.
GO ONLINE - Another trick I like to put into place is to really make use of the wonderful tool that is the Interwebz. Not only is it a great source of information, as you can research, plan and compare presents from different places; but it of course also comes in handy when it actually comes to buying the darn things. No need to go to the shops and get into a wrestling match with someone who had the same gift idea as you - simply order from the comfort of your own sofa, and some places even offer a gifting service too if you're feeling real lazy.
JUST RELAX - Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is remembering to stay calm and try and relax. Christmas is supposed to be 'the most wonderful time of the year' - as cliché as that sounds - so hopefully by sticking to some of my earlier suggestions, this will enable you to take that chill pill and spend your time enjoying and embracing the festive season as opposed to stressing about it.

And there are just a selection of some of my personal tips 'n' tricks for this time of year in regards to Christmas shopping! Do you have any others you'd like to share? Leave them in the comments below!

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