
Wednesday 2 December 2015

What's On My Wishlist? #DitsyDecember

With December finally here and The Big Day fast approaching, everyone starts to think about just what they want to see under the tree come Christmas Morning. I am certainly no exception to this and over the past month or so have been compiling some of the items I'd love to receive this Christmas if I was lucky enough! Being the beauty obsessed gal I am, it's no surprise that most of these items fall firmly into that category - I just can't help myself, eh? I've decided this year that instead of doing traditional Christmas Gift Guides that most people have already done (and most likely simply repeating what they've said in the process), I would instead just do this post as a standard wishlist for myself, but also perhaps serving as some inspiration for gifts for your loved ones or even items to put on your own letter to Santa! Let's do this...

URBAN DECAY NAKED PALETTE - Is there any beauty-loving gal (or guy) who hasn't got one (or maybe even all) of these on their Christmas List? Unless you're the proud owner of all three of course - perhaps not - but seeing as I'm yet to add a single one to my collection as of yet, I would so love to receive one this festive season. Personally, I think the warm tones of the Naked 1 and the rose-gold hues of Naked 3 rank highest on my wishlist, but they're all so darn beautiful that any of them would be gladly welcomed into my vanity to be honest.

MAC MAKEUP - Now this is more of a general one if I'm honest rather than a specific item but I thought I'd include it anyway as it is a genuine item on my wishlist this year! I've been meaning to get into MAC makeup for what seems the longest of times now. Back around my the time of my 18th Birthday in May I was promising myself I would treat myself to a few bits from the brand that I'd been eyeing up for a while with some of my Birthday money... and then it just never happened. So instead I'm taking the opportunity of the festive season to give it a little mention. If I was to list every single item from them that I'm lusting after I'd be here all day (in general though, the eyeshadows and lipsticks mainly have my heart - hence why I did a lust-list for each of those categories here and here a few months back), so perhaps a voucher is the way to go for this one, but we'll see...

REAL TECHNIQUES DELUXE HOLIDAY GIFT SET - Moving back down the price scale onto something a little more budget-friendly and from one of my favourite cosmetic brands too - good 'ole Real Techniques. It's safe to say I have a bit of an obsession with any and every brush they release, with a particular soft spot for the sets - and this one is certainly no exception to the rule. Just like last year when I was lusting after the 'Nic's Picks' collection, this time round they've done it again and packaged up another set of brushes that look all kinds of heart-eye emoji. Featuring three duplicates (all of which are some of my favourites from the standard range) and two set exclusives, in a well-chosen selection that could easily do a full face - I would be super pleased to see these under the tree come Christmas Morning.

ZOEVA ROSE GOLD BRUSHES - More brushes (I know), but seriously - aren't they just gorgeous? I know most have already got these and those who haven't continue to lust after them and give them a mention on their Christmas List - and I certainly fall into that latter category. I've already established on this blog how much I enjoy the Zoeva brushes (those that I've sampled so far are just all kinds of awesome) and I also love a good bit of rose gold/copper, so for me - this is the perfect set of tools for makeup application. They have a variety of collections in the rose gold detailing, but personally my fave to lust over at the moment is the 'Luxury Set'. Containing a mix of face and eye brushes in a bang-on selection - there's quite literally every tool you need to do a full face of makeup right there. And it's not too pricey too, considering the amazing quality of the brushes themselves. Oh yeahhhh.

TED BAKER PURSE - Moving onto something more fashion-based and for me, something I've been umm-ing and arr-ing over for a while now. I am in much need of a new purse. My current Primark one is very old and is well overdue an upgrade but doing so just seems to be one of those tasks that I always remind myself about and yet forget to actually do it. I'm also very picky and finding a new place to hoard all my important belongings is far more difficult a prospect than you'd imagine it to be. They're either not the right colour, shape, size - you get the gist - but whenever I begin to browse the Ted Baker department online something just clicks. Pretty much every design I come across I fall in love with and the general set-up of the purses themselves is right up my street. I think I'm pretty much decided on the fact that even if I'm not lucky enough to receive one this festive season, a purchase with some of my Christmas money may just be in the works come the New Year...


  1. I love the Naked palettes! These are great picks!

  2. Woow i have the Ted Baker purse on my list too. Amazing blog btw :*

    Julie |

    1. I think they're the kind of item that goes on many girl's Christmas Wishlist haha! Aw, thankyou so much! X
