
Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Christmas TAG... Part Two! #DitsyDecember

Hello and welcome to Blogmas! I've already done a proper introduction-type post yesterday (here) to get us into the swing of another round of #DitsyDecember but this is my first actual post of 2015's edition! And what better what to kick things off once more but to do an old classic - The Christmas TAG! Some of you may notice that I did infact do a post of this sort sometime last #DitsyDecember, but after a bit of Twitter searching here and there I managed to find another version full of questions I hadn't answered so that's what I'm doing for you lovely lot today. I found the post in question on the lovely Hannah's blog - 'Hannah Heartss' - which you can find here if your want a read of her answers. Want to see how mine compare? Keep on reading...
  1. What is your favourite Christmas film? I'm confident most of you would already be able to guess this one as I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in last year's Christmas TAG and that is of course - Elf! It is by far my ultimate favourite when it comes to festive films and I don't think I'll ever get bored of it.
  2. Have you ever had a white Christmas? I can't really remember having one, no. I vaguely recall there perhaps being one when I was much younger, but I'm not really sure if that was real or simply a figment of my imagination! But I definitely know that in recent years, there's never been one - here's hoping that this year may change that, eh!
  3. Where do you normally spend your Christmas? Usually Christmas Day for me is spent at home. I think there's been a couple of years where we perhaps go out for some of the day to visit family, but I can't think of a year where for the main part of the day (Christmas Morning, Dinner etc.) I haven't been at home! I guess whatever the situation or placing - I always spend Christmas wherever my loved ones are. Cringy answer, I know.
  4. What is your favourite Christmas song? Again, I think this topic may have been touched on already in a post somewhere in last year's #DitsyDecember series, but I have quite a big selection of festive songs that I just love listening to around this time of year. I guess if I had to pick an ultimate fave, it'd have to be 'Fairytale of New York' by The Pogues and Kirsty McColl. TUNE! Then again, what about 'All I Want For Christmas Is You'? And 'Merry Christmas Everyone?' It's so hard to choose just one!
  5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve? As far back as I can remember, I can't recall any years where any pressies have been opened before The Big Day itself. For my family, it's all about waiting till you come down the stairs Christmas Morning to see what Father Christmas has left you under the tree and then excitedly opening everything before we have breakfast! Personally, I think a little bit of the whole magic of Christmas is lost if presents are opened on Christmas Eve - but I understand some may disagree!
  6. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Erm... Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Cupid, Comet, Donner, Blitzen... and Rudolph! Am I right?!
  7. What is your favourite Christmas makeup and nail look? In the last couple of years, on Christmas Day I love rocking a flawless base, a gold-y eye with some liner and lots of mascara and a red or berry lip (matte, of course)! It sounds so cliché, but it works a treat and is easy enough to do on the morning of the Big Day without too much fussing around. As for nails, I've sported a variety of festive looks on my talons over the years - last year's look can be found here - but generally, there's gotta be some sparkle in there somewhere. Again, another rather cliché look, but it is Christmas after all!
  8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake? Always fake! I  can't recall a time when we've ever had a real one - too much fuss and mess! It's nice to invest in a faux one and just use it again and again year after year.
  9. What is your all time favourite Christmas food/sweet treat? And once again, I feel I might have already said about this before, but any excuse to talk food, eh! It's so difficult to choose just one food, as for me that has to be one of my favourite things about this whole time of year! I guess if I had to choose just one, then it'd have to be the homemade sausage rolls my Mum makes every year that are just all kinds of amazing. SO. GOOD. For sweet-treats the list could go on and on, but is there any that don't come under some form of chocolate? Oh and all the dried-fruit based favourites - mince pies, fruit cake and good 'ole Christmas Pud. Mmmhmmm.
  10. Do you like giving or receiving presents? I love receiving presents, don't get me wrong - but there's just something about planning and buying all your loved ones a gift that they're *hopefully* gonna really love and appreciate that is just so satisfying and gives you all the warm fuzzies. So I guess for this one I'd have to say it's all about the giving at Christmas!
  11. What is on the top of your Christmas list this year? Hmmmm, I'm not too sure. Every year for the past few years I've not been that confident on what I actually would like - I guess with me now having a job that enables me to pretty much buy all the things I want to, when I want to; it doesn't leave much space for things other people may wish to buy me. I'm pretty general with my suggestions and guidance, which I understand isn't very helpful at all! Anything beauty-related is sure to be a hit though...
  12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season? Like I said earlier, I haven't had a Christmas where I haven't spent it at home really, so for me there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be than there at Christmastime! I suppose if I had to be really stereotypical and unrealistic though - New York always looks so wonderful and magical around this time of year!
  13. Are you good at wrapping Christmas presents? I like to think that over the years I've definitely improved at the whole thing. When I was younger I used to have to get my Mum to assist me, but nowadays I'm quite the pro and can easily wrap anything of any size or shape and somehow make it look kinda presentable!
  14. Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them? Every year I don't necessarily make strict resolutions so to speak, but I do like to reflect on the past year - how it's gone, what was good and what perhaps wasn't so good - and think about how I can possible try and make this upcoming year better than the last.  I always think of a new year as a fresh, clean slate and it's nice to enter into it in the right way with the right thinking, so perhaps not so much 'Resolutions', but more 'Reflection'!
  15. What makes Christmas special for you? And again, finishing on a cliché note (much like how the majority of this post has been), but for me spending time with my loved ones is most definitely my favourite part of Christmas, and the part that makes it a very special time of year indeed.

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