
Sunday 27 December 2015

Polish Pick: Christmas Day Nails #DitsyDecember

Considering in last year's #DitsyDecember I showed you just how I lacquered-up my nails for The Big Day itself (which you can see here if you fancy a gander), now Christmas has been and gone for another year - boo! - I thought I'd continue the tradition and showcase what I chose to go onto my beds for 2015's edition...

It's Christmas so of course glitter was always going to be on the cards and for this year I decided to go for all-out gold. It's a classic Christmassy hue and slots in nicely with the kind of outfits I was planning on wearing over the festive season  - it's a winner. I started with the Bourjois 1 Seconde Nail Polish in 'Oh My Gold' as I wanted something with a metallic, shimmery finish to act as the first 'layer' of glittery goodness, with more chunkier flecks to be added on top of. This is also quite 'icy' in tone, with some silver running through it as well so it doesn't look too yellowy - a shade to be treated with caution when it comes to the nail beds. However, once applied to the nails I did feel it needed a touch more somethin' somethin' and a smidgen more of the bright shiny stuff wouldn't go amiss, so over the top of that went a coat of the H&M Beauty Nail Polish in 'Gold Rush'. This too has a super-shimmery finish to it so again adds to the glitter fest that was already going on.

Now, obviously in a normal everyday situation I would probably leave my nails at that and call it a day ad save my poor beds from enduring anymore sparkle. However, - it's Christmas after all and so I just had to go a step further, eh? So, top add that finishing touch I went in with a final layer of the glittery stuff and lacquered on top some of the Seventeen Glitter Top Coat in 'Gold', a - you guessed it - gold glitter predominantly made up of the larger kind of the stuff. This went all over the nails area - no ombre or accent nail to be seen here - and completed the look nicely with that extra 'wow' factor you need for The Big Day itself.

And that was my Christmas Day/Boxing Day nails done and dusted for another year! What (if anything) did you decided to sport this festive season? I'm putting a bet of it being in some way glittery...

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