
Friday 8 January 2016

2015 Favourites Part Two: Bath and Body, Haircare and Skincare

It's part two of my 2015 Favourites and if you missed part one, where I talked favourites from the 'Makeup', 'Nails' and 'Tools' categories, I shall link it just here. I hope you enjoyed that post, but of course there were a few notable categories missing (as you may have been able to tell) and so in today's final edition - I'll be talking my top picks from the 'Bath and Body', 'Haircare', and 'Skincare' departments. I don't want to ramble for much more as this post will be even longer, so let's get into it...

Bath and Body:
BEST PERFUME - 'Daisy' By Marc Jacobs - While I still very much love my 'Dolce' by Dolce and Gabbana perfume that I loved in last year's yearly favourites, this year I have moved on to another scent that I think I adore just as much, if not more so. It's a fairly floral-based affair (as the name would suggest), but it's not too sweet or sickly - instead possessing more of a musky vibe that just gives the whole thing a slightly 'sexy' feel. Oo'er... MENTIONED HERE.
BEST BODY SPRAYSoap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Spray - More on the fragrance front, and this year I'm introducing a new category to the board and talking my top body spray from this year. Now, I've always been a big fan of body sprays - basically up until I bought 'Dolce' - a.k.a. my first ever proper perfume. However, that in turn led me to use them less after that pivotal point...until earlier this year that was. Soap and Glory finally launched each of their signature scents in perfume and body spray forms - hallelujah! Being perhaps the world's biggest fan of their 'Sugar Crush' range, it was always gonna be that one that I picked up and I'm super glad I did. It's quite simply 'Sugar Crush' but in a spray bottle - making me smell as if I've just had a bath using all of the products in the range. And there ain't much wrong about that... MENTIONED HERE.
BEST SHOWER GEL - Zoella Beauty Tutti Fruity Foam Sweet Foam Shower Gel - Onto bath products and for me, the Zoella Tutti Fruity range by Zoe Sugg stole my heart earlier this year. Who knew? While I at first dismissed the range as not being my kind of thing and instead best suited to her younger fan-base, after picking some bits 'n' bobs from the collection I was pleasantly surprised. One of my favourites in particular was this shower gel and who could have predicted I would have such strong feelings about such a thing? Normally I pick up whatever's nearest to me and just get on with using it without thinking about it too much, but this by far has to be one of the best I've tried. It smells incredible (sweet - as the name would suggest - but not overly sickly or childish) and it lathers up so well. Like seriously - you could use the tiniest amount of this stuff and it would still create pretty darn good bubbles. The formula also feels very creamy which makes a nice change form other shower gels which can leave my skin feeling rather dry and lacklustre. MENTIONED HERE.
BEST BODY SCRUB - Zoella Beauty Tutti Fruity Scrubbing Me Softly Smoothing Body Scrub - Another inclusion from the Zoella Beauty collection and again - another from the 'Tutti Fruity' line!What did I tell you? My second and final favourite, favourite of the whole range was this body scrub and again - not normally something I'd get so het-up over. Until I found this one that was. This is great in doing the actual task in hand in that it removes any areas of scabby, dry, scaly skin (mmm) in a flash - but for me, it's its other qualities that make me love it so much. The formula, (just like the shower gel) is super creamy and moisturising and when you apply it to the skin, it almost feels like a body butter texture and so once washed off everything feels super-soft and nourished. The beads in this are also the tiniest I think I've ever seen in a body scrub so while it does exfoliate your skin, it does so in the gentlest way without any aggravation at all - making this a perfect scrub for those of us with sensitive skin, like me. Are there any other ways I can rave about this? The scent identical to the above shower gel and just as amazing - sweet but without the sugary edge - and the amount of product you get is pretty decent and lasts a good amount of time too. MENTIONED HERE.
BEST BODY MOISTURISER/BUTTER/LOTION: Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Butter - Moving swiftly onto the properly moisturising side of things and in terms of lacquering the stuff onto my body I have to admit that this year I ain't been as faithful to the whole process as I normally am. Sometimes it just seemed more of a chore than a pleasant experience and so for many days I went without. However, I suppose if I had to choose one lotion or potion that was the one I reached for when I wasn't such a lazy-bum - it would be this. If you don't know already, I am the biggest fan of the 'Sugar Crush' scent - I think it's my favourite one that Soap and Glory offer - and so this is the ideal body butter for me. It's thick and creamy and feels really luxurious once applied onto the skin, but it still manages to sink in quite quickly and not leave any greasy residue lingering behind - meaning I can get changed back into my pyjamas asap.
BEST FOOT CREAM - Soap and Glory Heel Genius Foot Cream -  Finally for bodycare and a new category this year but one I feel just had to be included was a foot cream. Who would have thought I'd be so into something of the sorts? I used to just use my body cream in an attempt to somehow resurrect the dry, cracked state of my heels (TMI?) until I tried this. It was included in my Soap and Glory giftset that I was lucky enough to be bought for Christmas 2014 and I am so glad this has come into my life as it has quite literally revolutionised my feet. This is the only thing I've used that has actually repaired the skin on my feet as opposed to simply sitting on top and making it look as if they have healed - only for it to rub off and the same problem remain. I used this religiously all throughout the Spring/Summer when I wanted to get my feet out more and I actually felt more confident doing so as I felt my tootsies actually looked a little more 'normal' for a change. I love this stuff a heck of a lot and I can definitely foresee a repurchase on the cards when this bottle runs out... MENTIONED HERE.
BEST SINGLE SHAMPOO PRO:VOKE Touch Of Silver Brightening Shampoo - Kicking off all things hair-related is this single shampoo and one I've certainly appreciated using this year. Being a dyed blonde in some way, shape or form for some time now means that a purple shampoo is kinda essential in my haircare routine and up until not too long back I was using Lee Stafford's Bleach Blonde's one. However, when my last bottle dispensed its last use I wanted to try something new that was perhaps a little more intense on my locks and so picked this up on many recommendations from the blogging community. I was not disappointed - this stuff is all kinds of awesome. Its bright, bright purple and looks pretty scary to use but I guess that's sort of the point as it does such a good job of banishing those brassy tones pretty much instantly and making my blonde look far more vibrant and fresh. It can make my hair feel a little on the dry and tangly side of things, but that's nothing some deep conditioner (see below) can't fix and it's something I can put up with for the results it gives. MENTIONED HERE.
BEST DRY SHAMPOO - COLAB Sheer Invisible Dry Shampoo in 'London' - A new category for 2015's edition and one that's a very much welcome addition as I feel like in the last year I've finally gotten into the groove on the whole dry shampoo thang - and I think that's mainly due to me finding 'The One' for me. I've dabbled with the likes of Batiste in the past which while have done a good job in terms of de-greasing my locks on the 'Final Day Before Wash Day'-Day, are more often than not be a little too heavy on my hair and leave that residue behind that everyone talks about that just makes your hair feel product-laden and almost more dirty than before. However, then Ruth Crilly of A Model Recommends' version came along and that all changed for the better. This brilliantly combines the best of both world's - making your hair feel much cleaner and fresher but with none of that gritty, sticky feeling. Hallelujah! Also, this comes in a wide range of gorgeous scents - at the moment I have 'London' (the Classic, people-pleaser scent), but I think my ultimate fave is 'Rio' - a more tropical, fruity affair. Mmhmm. MENTIONED HERE.
BEST HAIRCARE RANGE - Superdrug Hydrate and Shine Coconut Water Shampoo, Conditioner and Masque - First off with this one I must give an honourable mention to the OGX Coconut Water Range as to be honest, throughout this year those have both been my favourites and it was difficult to choose between them as they both work in practically the same way and both do incredible things to my hair. However, I feel that this range by Superdrug just about gets it purely for the fact that it's pretty much the same thing but at a slightly cheaper price and who doesn't love a good dupe, eh? The whole concept behind these types of haircare ranges is that it gives you all the hydration benefits but without the heavy feeling that more indulgent formulas can leave behind. This does exactly that - making my locks feel and look healthy - and everything smells darn amazing too. What more could you want? MENTIONED HERE.
BEST TREATMENT - Aussie Take The Heat 3 Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner - Just like last year and many, many years before that - this deep conditioner from Aussie remains my favourite hair treatment. What can I say? I darn well love this stuff. This year I've been into this heat protecting version, but any version will do as they all do wonderful tings to my locks. As I said, I tend to use this in conjunction with the PRO:VOKE purple shampoo nowadays, but even during a standard wash when my hair is feeling particularly dry and in need of a major hydration boost - this is what I go for, straight away. MENTIONED HERE.
John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder Controlled Lightening Spray - A new additional mention in my 'top treatment' category and perhaps one that I should've really mentioned this time last year but didn't (oops) is this little beauty. I have been using this on and off for the past two years I think (ever since I started having some form of blonde put into my hair really) and I really do love it. I used to use this sometimes in-between dyes when my hair was coloured at the top to disguise roots, however I now love it for just making the hair I now have blonded-up at the bottom (ombre-style) much brighter and even blonder. It's also fab for filling in any sections that may have been missed when it was dyed or adding some blonde-ness back into the hair as it starts to grow out, hopefully prolonging the time before I need to go and get it topped-up again! It doesn't take many uses before a noticeable difference can be seen and I can certainly see a change in my hair and I'm loving it. MENTIONED HERE.
BEST HEAT PROTECTANT - L'Oreal Studio Line Hot Straight Spray - Finally product-wise for my hair and a change from last year's 'winner' for this category. I used to load my hair up on the Got 2 B Guardian Angel Heat Protection Spray religiously and for the longest of times, it was all I ever really used in terms of defencing my locks from all things damaging. I loved it and couldn't see that ever changing anytime soon. However, after my last bottle headed off to the Empties bin I picked this up instead (again, on recommendation from a few fellow bloggers/vloggers/online people) and it's safe to say that it has done the unthinkable and took its place! I just cannot express how much this one product has done for my hair. Yes I know - it may seem OTT - but it's true. Aswell as (hopefully) protecting my hair from hairdryers, straighteners and all that kind of jazz - this stuff does a great job of styling my hair too. As the name would suggest, this makes my locks - which do have the tendency to go rather frizzy - dry so much smoother and sleeker; great for whether I actually want to wear my hair straight or as a good starting point for curling it. Whatever way I want to style my hair, I always like to run over it with my straighteners after drying, and I've found that by using this - the style actually keeps in place pretty much until I next decide to wash my hair. It's a miracle! A repurchase of this will definitely be on the cards when this runs out, fo' sho'MENTIONED HERE.
BEST TOOLS - Same as in last year's 2014 Faves, I am still absolutely loving my Babyliss Boutique Salon Power Hairdryer and Salon Control Straighteners that I got a couple of Christmases ago and have used faithfully ever since.
Skincare: Now, after having a good check-up on last year's end-of-the-year roundup, I've concluded that there really hasn't been that many changes in this category. I'm loyal when it comes to my skincare - what can I say, eh? So, rather than ramble on again about virtually all the same products as I did for 2014's edition - I'll link that up again right here so you can have a gander and see for yourself just what I have (still) been loving skincare-wise in 2015. However, there obviously have been a few little bits 'n' bobs that I have discovered and loved during this past year so here goes...

It seems 'Face Masks' is the only category of skincare with any new additions to the line-up this year as that's always the area I like to change things up more frequently. Alongside my usual Montagne Jeunesse offerings, I have also really enjoyed using the PALMERS COCOA BUTTER FORMULA PURIFYING MASK as a standard face mask. This, as the name would suggest, really helps to cleanse the skin of all the nasties that can reside in it and the addition of the cocoa butter also leaves my skin feeling super-silky and soft. I've also really liked the SUPERDRUG VITAMIN E LEAVE-ON MOISTURE MASK this year. This works more as a final step in my skincare routine before bed, replacing my usual night cream. As you would correctly guess, this is a mask you leave on your skin to do the work as opposed to washing it off like the Palmer's one and so this is really feels like a proper intensive treatment for your complexion. You can wipe away any excess, but I prefer to massage the remains of it in so I can really reap the benefits and my skin has been lapping it up.

So that just about concludes part two of my annual favourites and therefore the end of this mini-series for 2015! I hope you enjoyed, and don't you worry as for as long as I'm doing this 'ere blog (which I'm hoping will be a long, long time to come) - there will be yearly faves from this corner of the Internet and so you can be assured 2016's will be making its way to you this time next year! I will see you then (or perhaps just in my next post, eh?)...

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