
Monday 25 January 2016

Organisation Tips 'n' Tricks

Isn't it basically an unwritten rule that we all vow to become far more organised in January? Along with also promising ourselves to 'lose weight and get into shape', it has to be up there when it comes to the top things we all tend to strive for come the start of the year. So, what better timing for me to do this kinda post, eh? if I'm being honest they're most likely things you've probably heard before or even do yourself now, but it's always nice to have a friendly reminder and it also acts nicely as a bit of a kick up the bum for myself too. Let's get into it...

FIND YOUR THANG - I really do believe that when it comes to such a thing as organisation that finding what works best for you is what you really have to go with. So of course the below points are quite specific to what suits me, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be the best option for you when it comes to leading a more organised life. The best thing to do is to try different things out until you find what just 'clicks' and when you've nailed that - the rest just seems to come naturally.

LISTS, LISTS, LISTS - So, perhaps this may be your starting point if you feel you're at the very bottom of things organisation-wise and have no real idea of where to begin. I personally find lists to be the top thing that makes me that tad more efficient and 'on the ball' with everything. I practically write one for everything nowadays and that's purely because they're so good and work so well. I don't follow any particular 'method' when it comes to list writing (such as doing a different one for each 'category' or for each day of the week), I just like to compile them together whenever I feel appropriate and tick things off as I go... which can I just say is definitely the best part - fo' sho'.

DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE DIARY - As I said in this post I did last week, it wasn't until this year that I finally got myself back into using a diary regularly again. And this time with a difference - I am actually using it and it's not gathering dust somewhere in the depths of my bedroom - result! And I guess now I can finally see what all the hype is and why nearly everyone else I come across has one in their possession at all times. They're just so darn handy - whether that be for writing down appointments or important dates; jotting down aforementioned to-do lists or making a note of everything you did that day so you can look back on it at the end of the year.

TIDY PLACE, TIDY MIND - One which you've most likely definitely heard a million times before is this old saying of a 'tidy place equals a tidy mind'. But I do believe there is some truth in it as for me, whenever I find myself in a messy situation where I have mounds of paper surrounding me, rubbish everywhere and an unmade bed I'm far less likely to think clearly and be able to get stuff done that needs to be. Try and give everything a tidy right now (if you can), or at the next available opportunity and from them on, give it a go at keeping things that way and see if it makes a difference.

BE EQUIPPED - I personally find that for me to be in some way organised that I need to be equipped to do so. Sounds simple, right? But it really is true. You can have all the right intentions to write lists and take note of things, if that's the way I find myself to respond best to trying to be organised but without the right stuff it just won't happen. Make sure you have a notepad and pen on you at all times - or if you're going digital - ensure your phone is forever strapped to your hands. Which it most likely will already be anyway, but that's beside the point...

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